What do you think of this trader's sentiments?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Kovacs, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Kovacs


    yes, sir. sorry, sir.
    #11     Jul 31, 2006

  2. 2- Indicators do work for exactly what they're supposed to = they indicate, then it's up to the trader's discretion from there. Note, they are not called "decision makers" :)

    4- I don't agree with that viewpoint but this is just my 2 cents. Now I don't want to open up a can of worms on this, I'm just saying just because you made a dollar doesn't mean someone on the other side of your trade lost a dollar, he very well may have made a dollar as well. Let's not get into "missed oppertunity" cost etc as this is an overly simplified statement.
    #12     Jul 31, 2006
  3. hans37


    okay maybe I owe you an apology. however you still need to clear one more thing up about the introducing quote on this thread.

    "I will give the readers of this message who are interested in trading the best advice you will ever get because it comes from a guy who really makes money trading futures from his own PC."

    1) did you copy that too?
    2) did you write it?

    case 1) awfuL strange use of 3rd person then switch to first in rules section.

    case2) how do you know this guy REALLY makes money? vs just claiming to do so?
    #13     Jul 31, 2006
  4. Don't you have another persona to use pal?

    You stink of BS. Just my humble opinion... prove me wrong.
    #14     Jul 31, 2006
  5. Kovacs


    The opening is part of the quote. It's the second review on this page:


    I don't know if he really makes money. I just found it interesting because methodologies on ET veer from one extreme to the other, so I thought it would be illuminating to gather opinions about this particular view.
    #15     Jul 31, 2006
  6. whole thing is somewhat confusing. ... should have put it in quotes or something.

    there is no black and white in trading. whoever starts by saying xxx does NOT work,, xxx ripping you off.... is just naunced enough to listen to. by the way, that link took me to the book High Prob Trading. anyone read it?
    #16     Aug 1, 2006