What do you guys do for Brain Exercises?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Sergio123, Apr 7, 2024.

  1. Sergio123


    Pro Athletes still lift weights, run, do cardio, etc.

    They do more than just practicing their sport.

    Do you do any type of mental drills or do anything outside of the market to keep yourself sharp?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    FGCC likes this.
  3. cesfx


    Chess, but I guess more like a meter of my sharpness than a trainer.

    If my plays are bad, I know I am not 100%.

    I guess good sleep, good healthy habits and relax are best once past 40, where preventing deterioration might be more important than increasing activity.

    And always aiming to learn something new, everyday.
    DTB2 likes this.
  4. tiddlywinks


    in a word... CURIOSITY
    As an answer to your question... BE CURIOUS.

    Last week I was dealing with vehicle VIN numbers.
    Curiosity led to me learn the phonetic alphabet.
    Simple as that! IMO, It's a cool thing to know. :)
  5. newwurldmn


    Prob the best brain exercise is reading.

    second is playing an instrument.
    DTB2 and murray t turtle like this.
  6. Sergio123


    Interesting. Games to train your brain. Does it help you out and is it as enjoyable as playing an X Box?
    Baron likes this.
  7. Sergio123


    I used to play. But now I can't because my headspace just reverts back to thinking about options trading.
  8. Sergio123


    Yes. I read alot of technical literature in my day job.

    I used to play guitar. Paul Gilbert and Yngwie style shredder. But now my left hand has too many injuries and broken fingers from MMA training. But I do find studying music theory and chord structure interesting.
  9. Many people could pretty much get a phd in a subject of their interest just by taking exactly the same amount of time they put into facebook or monitoring their smartphone everyday.

    Think I am kidding? Nein.

    I am saying this in regard to the general population. Many/most here are already up to their eyeballs in processing information everyday. But say, as advice to a student.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
    ButterflyEffect and Snuskpelle like this.
  10. vanzandt


    Respectfully, I disagree on both. Reading is easy, it's like watching TV. Sure you can read books geared to higher intellect, but you're still getting spoon-fed.

    And as to an instrument.... you're doing something wrong. At your age at least. Put something on and just try to play along. That's the only way you're gonna get good. :D

    That said, if your attempt to learn that instrument is based on the mechanics of music theory etc... absolutely... but even a deep understanding of that won't burn the required synapses that connect the brain to your fingers. BUT.... teaching your kid classical piano.... hands down will unlock things in their brain that even if they never have a public performance and they suck at it.... will still pay off in spades. I don't know what it is, but there is definitely something there.

    I know I say I'm right about a lot of things.... but I am 100% right about this.
    #10     Apr 7, 2024