What difference would it make?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by CaptainObvious, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. The nerve of this bitch to have such a response. The difference, you worthless cunt, is we're trying to determine whether you and this entire administration fabricated some bullshit story about a video to cover your sorry incompetent asses, or whether you actually did your job to the best of your ability? The arrogance of this slut really burns my ass.
  2. My take on this situation is we won't ever find out what really happened. The orders came down from above, and they won't be able to crack that "nut" (H. Clinton). The purge of several military commanders recently is also alarming.
  3. Lucrum


    I think you're probably right. Obama bin Lyin promised transparency and yet has done everything but provide it.
  4. pspr


    The lingering questions and her "I didn't know they wanted more security" response might hurt her seeking the Democrapic nomination in 2016. I'm rooting for Joe Biden to represent the Democraps! :D

    Of course, we might have Barry Soetoro in the race, too.
  5. pspr


    Did I miss something? Is it St. Patrick's Day already?

    <img src=http://s1.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20130123&t=2&i=697092113&w=&fh=&fw=&ll=700&pl=300&r=CBRE90M162H00>
  6. I think we should hang her by her tongue, until dead. Maybe that will cut back a wee bit on all of this lying and non-sense by this admin.
  7. You guys are too biased to realize it but Hillary was the one who looked like a leader and the republican questioners looked political and petty especially Rand Paul. There is a very real chance Hillary will be our next president, that would be good for America. Besides Christie there is no one on the right strong enough or capable enough or able to get independent and cross over voters.
  8. Lucrum


    That's hilarious coming from you.
  9. Lucrum


    Maybe she's trying to dress like a Chameleon.
  10. pspr


    Is it possible that in real life Hillary is the Tooth Fairy?
    #10     Jan 23, 2013