What Democrats are REALLY about

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Eight, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. He really makes himself look pathetic with the ignore thing. I picture him with his hands over his ears going " lalalalallalalacan't hear you!" But 377, it's time to take a bath! "No no no I won't take a bath.... I not dirty!" and then he runs crying into his room with his big flags and fast cars and huge un-washed ego.
    #31     Mar 6, 2012
  2. pspr


    You may be right. He seems thoughtful in one post then the next he 1) draws conclusions that aren't there and 2) make statements that are nothing more than behind the back attacks on other posters. Rarely does he provide any proof or reference for his statements.

    I don't have much respect for people who have a "holier than thou" attitude because they were an army grunt at some time in their lives. Although I've always had a lot of respect for those in the military, I have no respect for those who get out and want to beat their chests at every chance they get. They become the lowest form of citizen.

    You just can't trust or believe what he says. His posts become almost schizophrenic just right out of the blue. I may take your advice since I don't find such responses entertaining or worthwhile reading.
    #32     Mar 6, 2012
  3. 377OHMS


    Hold on, I'm not advising you to ignore him, just relating that I am ignoring him. I sort of just wanted you to know that you weren't the only one getting pissed off.

    It wasn't just the holier-than-thou thing. He is actively playing each side against the other, fomenting strife probably for his own entertainment.

    I've also been mulling his statement about some other group he is active with whos individual members have 100 million dollars net worth or more each implying, I think, that he has enormous personal wealth. More and more I find I simply don't believe that. If I had millions upon millions of dollars I'm sure I would be into all kinds of obscure hobbies and activities and wouldn't likely be reading and posting in P&R. It was also a sideways put down to our membership since most of us are probably firmly middle class.

    I'm not meaning to insult cgroupman but just no longer wish to read his posts.
    #33     Mar 6, 2012
  4. Well, I hope you can read this. No, not an army grunt, I was in S2 for a few years, then reserves. And I rarely talk about it. And, as far as 'holier than thou' - doubtful since I don't ever try to preach. I guess you could gather something like that because I prefer to discuss, even debate, instead of just call each other names. And, most understand that, I'm still not sure about the name calling and all that, but I'm sure I'll figure it out someday.

    Schizo, nah, just try to see things from both sides. Something I learned at university. Became kind of second nature.

    I will take the suggestion that I should post more references, and thank you for that. I'm not great with the image files and all that stuff, but getting better.

    #34     Mar 6, 2012
  5. pspr


    LOL No, I haven't done that yet. I'll decide later if he tends to annoy me so much since I normally wait until the vulgarity arrives before pulling the trigger. I was just reading a post of his in another thread that had me thinking to myself, "what are you talking about???".

    People with money or claim to have money don't impress me much any more. I know too many rich folks who were lucky, just worked hard or were in the right place at the right time to acquire wealth. It rarely has anything to do with how intelligent they are. In fact, I believe the more intelligent one is, the harder it is to get wealthy. Comfortable yes - wealthy no.
    #35     Mar 6, 2012
  6. 377OHMS



    I've never seen any vulgarity from him, none.

    You've got midwest sensibilities that equip you do deal with a wider range of types of people than I.

    I'm an engineer and people around me have always noticed that I am extremely binary about things. There aren't any shades of gray with me. Its... a character flaw but also something fairly common with engineering types.

    There is also a bandwidth consideration. I have a limited data plan over cellular and I tether my desktop to my cell phone via USB. My data plan is 4GB per month. If a guy's posts are pissing me off then it makes me wonder why I should pay to read those posts. When someone is ignored and I click on a thread that the ignored person is posting in then less data is pulled down over my link. I put RCG on because his posts were starting to make me really uncomfortable. Other guys I put on when they get really vulgar, others if they exhibit genuine hatred towards me. I used to purge the list occasionally but not anymore.
    #36     Mar 6, 2012
  7. pspr


    I don't know why you don't have a better Internet plan. Mine has always been unlimited. I started giving them $20 more a month for their (TWC) faster service but I don't see any difference. I'm online doing something about 10 or 12 hours a day.

    It's not a character flaw. It's CHARACTER! My major was EE so I come from the same place. Things have to be orderly or they don't make sense. What I don't understand is how so many scientists can be liberals. It makes no sense to me. I can only assume they don't carry their logical analysis into other areas of life.
    #37     Mar 6, 2012
  8. Eight


    ehhhh... I don't think you can blame Bush for much of anything.. The subprime loan problem was cooked up by Leftist Kooks like Jimmy Carter, carried forward by Bill Clinton and currently is being covered up by Obama/Pelose/et al

    The thing about a military is that it is expensive if you use it. Sun Tzu wrote about it hundreds of years ago. He said it's suicide to not have a military and it's very expensive to use a military. So the answer is to have a military and never use it.. These so-called leaders we have from both the Republicans and the [anti-war] Democrats use the military like there was no tomorrow and it's senseless from the viewpoint of US citizens.
    #38     Mar 6, 2012
  9. volente_00


    You can thank him for pushing mortages written for people who were not even financially repsonsible enough to save up a down payment and you wonder why they walked away with no skin in the game.

    #39     Mar 6, 2012
  10. #40     Mar 6, 2012