What costs IB to incorporate trailing feature in its TWS for futures?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Spark, Aug 12, 2002.

  1. Spark


    I was initially optimistic getting the news about trailing stop, but it turned out only for stocks, not for eminis. I'm wondering what costs IB to including trailing feature for emini trading as well? Any IB spokesperson here?
  2. def

    def Sponsor

    besides programming and CPU - none that i know of. There may be issues with the way all the various futures exchanges handle stops and/or the number of updates/load on the system it would create, I really don't know.

    The trailing stops were added largely do to comments on the ib discussion forum and comments to mgmt. I suggest you go try that route. In the meantime, I'll see if I can find something out.
  3. def

    def Sponsor

    trailing stops will be programmed for futures. it is on the agenda but I don't have a date. i haven't tried autotrader's code but there have been some nice comments about it.
  4. Spark


    I tried to use autotrader's program in demo, but it did not work. May be it is not so direct. Moreover, I am bit concerned about authenticity of outsider's program. I'm not sure if it results some other problems.

    Thanks def for the info.