What Caused Our Economic Crisis?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ddog, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. Pushing?? They mandated those loans!! Fricking leftists managing the economy for us!! It was land reform!! When is the last time that worked, anywhere?? All this intervention is probably what is driving all the greed, " if the government is going nuts I might as well get as much as I can as soon as I can" That's actually my motto nowadays, I've seen enough.....
    #21     Sep 28, 2008
  2. Nice little shitty insuation, what is your opinion of what caused the crisis?
    #22     Sep 28, 2008
  3. You've got a chip on your shoulder the size of Saturn.
    #23     Sep 28, 2008
  4. If you try to spend more than you make for 40 or 50 years on end, eventually it gets to where when you want to borrow an ADDITIONAL $3 BILLION EVERY DAY, that lenders start worrying about risk. First with the people, then banks and financial corps, and next with our government.
    #24     Sep 28, 2008
  5. I'll take a shot but I'm no expert. Think for a second...WHO is getting bailed out? Subprime mortgage owners? Nope. Wall Street investment banks that lobbied for deregulation of banking laws that allowed them to access mortgages and create derivatives from these mortgages and then use massive leverage to buy and sell these derivatives and repeal laws that permitted them to insure these derivatives? Yep, that's who's getting bailed out. Maybe I'm making this more simple than it really is, but Wall Street NEEDED every mortgage they could get to create, buy, and sell these investments that were backed by mortgages of US homeowners. Local banks didn't care about the risk because they were just flipping mortgages to these huge banks so that they could package them up. More mortgages equaled more flipping fees for the local banks (at no risk to them). More mortgages equaled more "created" CDO's and MBS's on Wall Street. Good loans. Bad loans. And everything in between. Loans. Loans. Loans. Everyone qualified for a loan so that investment banks could make more investment vehicles available. They didn't care who got a loan. They were making billions. But the party ended when real estate turned south. The derivatives were rotting from the inside. The very thing that had created so much wealth for Wall Street was now a cancer. Add in the leverage that these banks used and the recipe for disaster was complete. That's my take on it.
    #25     Sep 28, 2008
  6. Around end of JUN06 it was pretty clear that the securitization of and by the quants was a one way street. Dummies hired dummies as you say.... LOL.....

    It is so mellow it isn't funny. The quants worked for sales organizations that wanted products to extract commissions on.

    The naked CDS's are the classic of all classics.

    As a sailor if I get a boat at a fire sale I want to really get the smell out before I begin overnighting. An additional home in Maine along the coast will be nice too.
    #26     Sep 28, 2008
  7. Bingo. Artificially low interest rates and ridiculously loose credit helped as well.
    #27     Sep 29, 2008
  8. #28     Sep 29, 2008
  9. Is anybody here expecting hyperinflation in the US?
    #29     Sep 29, 2008
  10. ljmlmvlhk

    ljmlmvlhk Guest

    Gotto agree it was a shitty video.
    All about pumping music to get access to your mind.
    Typical advertisers ploy, use emotions so you make (wrong) decisions.
    I decided to let the music play while I cooked a meal, watching was a waste.

    And even the music was, admit it, half baked.
    #30     Sep 29, 2008