What Bush & Company Has Done To The Republican Party

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. Historically:

    The fall of the Roman Empire, The French Revolution, The Russian Revolution, U.S. War of Independence from England, Mao's Revolution in China....all essentially based on class struggle....and this is your goal for the US, to return to historical time?

    No wonder you are a member of the regressive party...

    #31     Apr 2, 2007
  2. Agreed 100%.

    The Republican Party bears very little resemblance to what Ronald Reagan stood for. The ironic part of this is, "You are either with US, or against US" according to Bush.

    What a joke.

    Bush spends so much time in denial about "Iraqi Freedom" and yet the real undermining of our country is in the 2004 Medicare Prescription Drug Bill" that he signed into law awhile back. It is a time bomb that continues to "tick" and no one shows any leadership to tackle it. Only costing us $534 BILLION over the next 10 years, on the way to about $8 TRILLION so says the GAO.

    This is the single largest ENTITLEMENT program in more than 40 years. - - - And the Drug Bill smelled so bad that Congress voted on it at 3AM in the morning, so not to be seen on national television during Prime Time!

    Bush is just like his Dad.
    History is repeating itself, as Dubya continues to be asleep at the wheel regarding domestic policy. His obsession "overseas" is planting the seeds of domestic turmoil, fiscally speaking . . . Budget deficit? What budget deficit???

    Meanwhile, former House of Rep., Billy Tauzin joined a huge trade-lobby for Big Pharma at $2.5 million per year just 6 weeks after getting this Drug Bill into law, as did a half-dozen other of his cohorts.

    They were all "rewarded" by Big Pharma because they got a key provision taken out of the bill that would have allowed for the Federal government to NEGOTIATE drug pricing with the pharma companies.

    So, the next time you ask your neighbor who is a Vet why he only has to pay $127 per year for his ZOCOR prescription while you have to pay $1500 per year for the exact same prescription, you have Billy Tauzin to thank, along with Bush.

    Pelosi and the Dems in Congress want to rescind this provision that is extremely lucrative for Big Pharma.

    Bush is already on record as saying he will Veto any change.

    Why would ANYONE want to take away the opportunity for the Federal Government to NEGOTIATE Medicare Prescription Drug pricing? The Veteran's Administration already does it with great success to the consumer. Go figure.

    Bush is a moron.

    #32     Apr 2, 2007
  3. You are mistaken.
    His "cut and paste" skills have increased dramatically.
    #33     Apr 2, 2007
  4. Cesko


    My goal is not anything wherever it goes there it will be in the future, every sane person should know by now that "social democracy" model is not financially sustainable in the long run.
    Classes (masses) do not struggle they follow like a sheep. Millions of "working class" people in Russia didn't even know there was "revolution" going on (too stupid,too drunk and too divided by huge distances).Second, vast majority of "proletariat" leaders had nothing in common with working class.
    Why did you forget about WW2, WW1, for some reason that was not class struggle??

    Good night Mr.Marxist.
    #34     Apr 3, 2007