What brokers easily and quickly open accounts for Latin American citizens?

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by crgarcia, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. What brokers easily and quickly open accounts for Latin American citizens?
  2. Devin Brady

    Devin Brady ET Sponsor

    If you are interested in trading futures or forex, we can help open accounts in Latin America.

    Devin Brady
    Global Futures
  3. jjj1000


    Try interactive brokers. HOWEVER, be very aware that estate law in the usa will tax all of your assets here in the USA up to 45% in case of your death, and only 60 k would be deductible, REGARDLESS of whether your heirs are foreign citizens and never set foot in the USA. Also, if you give your USA's assets during life you will also be taxed up to 45%

    YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I strongly advise you to look for an SPECIALIST on international taxes before investing in the USA.

    check link with related (not identical story): http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=aJstU9MVcYSg
  4. You'll never make money day trading. No one does. Don't you know that? lol :D