What Brocker Had Shares to Short on certain Tickers on a Certain Date, Time, and Price.

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by gery_cu, Mar 28, 2022.

What Brocker Had Shares to Short on certain Tickers on a Certain Date, Time, and Price..?

  1. Cobra Trading

    1 vote(s)
  2. CenterPoint Securities

    1 vote(s)
  3. SpeedTrader

    0 vote(s)
  4. Tradezero

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  1. gery_cu


    I have been monitoring for months, price drops drastically in Stocks due to the News (Offering) and I would like to know What Brocker Had Shares to Short on certain Tickers on a Certain Date, Time, and Price.
    My specific question is, which broker allowed Shor to be Executed exactly at the moment of the offering type news?
    I put some Imagens to show what I see in My ToS Chart

    First Event due to Offering News:
    Ticker: SLNO
    Date: 3/28/2022
    Time: 4:01 PM
    Price: $0,28

    Second Event due to Offering News:
    Ticker: SWX
    Date: 3/28/2022
    Time: 4:05 PM
    Price: $78,60
  2. GotherL


    Your wasting your time if your trying to short stocks that way.

    The algos are always 1 step ahead of any retail player.

    By the time you hit your mouse you'll be shorting at the low-end of the offering.

    Not to mention, it takes time to locate shares and high fees for HTB.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
  3. zdreg


    How long does it take to locate shares on HTB where you trade at?
  4. GotherL


    Takes a mouse-click if you pre-typed the symbol in the locate box but you will need to act in nanoseconds to catch offerings right on release. (Referring to OP on that part.)

    Unless, he has ultra instinct it's just not a viable strategy!
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022