What bread are you eating these days?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Frederick Foresight, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. I know that some of you folks are hardcore keto, so you won't have any use for this thread. But for everyone else who enjoys their bread and is nevertheless health conscious, I'm curious to know what kind of bread you eat, and how much of it, on an average day.

    And, yeah, I'm bored.
  2. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

  3. BKR88


    I avoid all flour products so no bread.
    Most wheat products have trace amounts of glyphosate.
  4. notagain


    Dave's the only bread without the poison.
  5. traderob


    I make my own bread with a machine. Use different types of healthy flour .
    Only takes a few minutes to add the ingredients then 3 hours later a hot loaf of bread is ready.
    murray t turtle and Baron like this.
  6. Overnight


    As a frequent shopper in this space, I'd like to inform you that over the past few months, Daves's (and most organic grains) have become quite popular. Whatever you guys are doing, it is working, and they are paying top-dollar for the bread with a riff.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  7. 647 Bread and English Muffins.
  8. newwurldmn


    Dave’s bread (the green bag, 70 calories per slice) and Whole Foods fresh baked sour dough (they make it at the store).

    kids eat Pepperidge farms hearty white bread.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. Pekelo


    I also make my own bread with King Arthur flour or buy sourdough.
  10. #10     Mar 14, 2024