What are your beliefs?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hoofhearted, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. I've heard people accuse others of being Atheist, I see other people speak of God with a capital G, and seems to speak of God as if God were here.

    But I'm not sure anyone has really come right out and expressed their beliefs/non-beliefs; at least I haven't observed it.

    So this seems like a pretty fitting place to divulge what you have in your heart and mind, pertaining to the subject. There may already be at least one thread asking the same thing, but this will still serve as a platform for me at least, to express my views and opinions.

    I will ask that we try not to insult, or give quips during this discussion. Not that those types of conversations aren't both educational and entertaining, but here can be a place to participate and contribute to a subject that may be unfathomable to many.

    All are welcome, so please, empty your hearts and minds and forget about any determinations/opinions you have made about any other member who might engage.

    Opening your heart here will not make you a pussy or a hypocrite. Democrat or Republican. You will not be judged by anyone reading your views.

    I'll start.

    I believe in a creator, and that our lives(and deaths) have been given meaning. I grew up as a child knowing that Jesus Christ was a leading figure in religion, and that at least some people believe he is/was God.

    I remember from a young age being sorry for things I had said or done, and privately asking God for forgiveness. But I could never wrap my head around Who or What God is.

    As a young teenager, I decided to be Atheist for awhile- I wasn't about to buy any of the bullshit the Bible was saying, and especially what the batshit crazy Bible thumpers were saying.

    When discussing the subject with friends, I would simply point out the absurdity of the Bible's claims of Genesis. "If Adam and Eve were the first people, then why does it mention Cain met his wife in a town, in such and such chapter?" Bam! Solid proof that the Bible was full of shit.
    I may have even converted a couple of buddies into Atheism using that kind of simple "hole-shooting" logic.

    As I approached adulthood, my mind and heart began to re-open to the concept of God.
  2. I'm an agnostic believer.

    Besides I think I may be God masquerading in the land of light and shadows just for the pure entertainment of it all.
  3. Does this mean you believe in Something, but don't know what IT is?
  4. Do you think God masquerades as others too, or is just you?
  5. ~~~


    may i know Why ?
  6. As I approached adulthood, my mind and heart began to re-open to the concept of God.

    I never really delved into the Bible till I was in my early twenties.

    I didn't do it so much because I was guilt ridden, or because I felt the need for words to spiritually connect me to a greater power- I read it because I was curious. My mind was like a sponge in those days, and I was just lapping it up.

    The first Bible that I ever read multiple times on multiple occasions, was a Gideon's Bible that I stole from a hotel room desk drawer.
  7. No I'm only agnostic with regards to incontrovertible proof.
  8. ~~~


    hmmm... interesting Hoofhearted :D i think you have an interesting life story.
  9. The first Bible that I ever read multiple times on multiple occasions, was a Gideon's Bible that I stole from a hotel room desk drawer.

    It was slow going for me because it was full of Shakespearean style prose, and I wasn't fully fluent in the differentiation between The, Thy, Thine, Thee, Thou, etc. It didn't deter me though, because I was simply reading for educational purposes.

    I actually enjoyed just trying to view it as a puzzle of sorts. I would try to use context clues to determine the meanings or purposes of certain words or phrases.

    Once I was able to understand how to read it, I began to put other pieces of the puzzle together. I'm not referring to just the language pieces, but some of the more important pieces that spoke to my heart, and senses.

    Just like with any good story, I was able to place myself within it. I began to connect in a profound way with people who lived and died long ago.
  10. I guess I should have started with, What is Agnosticism to you, and How do you define it?

    I tend to think it refers to believing that one can not know whether or not the existence of God. Is this similar to your beliefs?
    #10     Dec 21, 2012