Save up and you really need $25K +. That is why I suggested TN instead of IB; if you had experience I would have suggested IB, better commisions, but no hand holding.
Consider trading a low margin futures contract to learn and build up equity. 5000 is not enough for the Emini S&P IMHO. You can burn that pretty quickly. Check and for margins. You're barred from daytrading stock due to the Pattern Day Trader rule. It's great you're starting so young. Good luck.
"Consider trading a low margin futures contract to learn and build up equity" What does that mean, what should i start out with, who should i start out with. Im impressed with the advice im getting, Thank you
Sorry man, i dont know what ya mean. Open an account with IB and trade S&P E-minis, i dont know what that means. Sorry
Kastro- no offense but if you think that Emini is a broker then you should not even consider trading anything but baseball cards until you do some serious homework. just trying to save you $....but if you insist then I'll be happy to take the other side from you. uptik