What are ETs Reading/Doing to Prep a Day of Trading?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by PennySnatch, May 23, 2017.

  1. Hi:

    I'm looking for a quality daily market summery or morning news call that I can read or listen to as my pre-market preparation that is either free or subscription based. I read Morning Star's "Morning Notes" and Reuter's "Morning News Call" and "The Day Ahead" which are free and pretty good, but I was wondering what ET's where reading or listening to to prepare for their day. Any other suggestions to prepare for a day of trading would be greatly appreciated.

  2. It depends what your trading. If individual equities, takes a lot more preparation. If futures/macro just a few minutes of Bloomberg or CNBC, and look at Econ News Release times plus political developments.
    PennySnatch likes this.
  3. I trade options on SPY and AAPL. Thx for replying.
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    Spend a couple hours a day "Warming up" just to make sure i dont pull a muscle during the market hours.

    Overnight likes this.
  5. Max E.

    Max E.

    just kidding probably start two hours before open and just start looking at every single chart thats moving, or has volume pre market, then i short list it too a couple, so that eventually i only lose money on one stock, but feel like i planned for it :)

    Then more Porn hub.
    PennySnatch likes this.
  6. Jack1960


    Scan at IB of movers
    The Morning Capsule at The Arora Report
    Need to Know at MarketWatch
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  7. I personally find that listening to ...audio books ...during the trading day to be extremely calming -- there are tons of them on Youtube ;)
    I download them.

    Listen to Story books and erotic novels -- not documentaries,
    All that slow dialogue and imagination kind of helps me to stay calm and open-minded ....vital traits to survive in trading,
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
  8. algofy


    Enable my trading system.
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  9. Jack1960


    Take a nap
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  10. Overnight


    Max E. wins!

    Haha. I just try to get a digest of current events from places like Bloomberg and other news sites, along with upcoming economic calendar events for the day.

    It's like what the stewardesses say in that movie "Sully"..."Head down, stay down!...Brace, Brace, Brace! Head down, stay down!...Brace, Brace, Brace!..."
    #10     May 24, 2017
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