What animal can we compare Obama to without risking being called a racist?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NanoTick, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Lucrum


    "What animal can we compare Obama to without risking being called a racist?"

    Nothing, no matter what you call him. If it's anything even remotely negative, even if it's true. you WILL be labeled a racist.
    #11     Feb 21, 2009
  2. What human can George Bush be compared to?

    Barney Fife, Gomer Pyle, Goober Pyle, Forrest Gump, Chauncey Gardner...an infinite list of morons...

    #12     Feb 21, 2009
  3. =====================================
    Well i dont really know Dave Letterman enough to call him a failure, you may be right, i simply dont have enough info on him.
    Exception tends to prove the rule anyway.....

    Partial disclosure we bought VERY DARK ''aunt Jemima'' pancake syrup, as kids;
    some may see that as racist, but that maybe a brain dead monkey thought. Its a good brand try it, Mr.Jesse Jackson may hate that brand, too bad for him.[Picture of a black woman on thar VERY DARK brand syrup]

    A zebra, racist??? Surely you jest.

    Most people dont know if a zebra is black with white stripes, or vice versa. Have to look in my library to reply with an accurate answer on that :D
    #13     Feb 21, 2009
  4. I have a 4 inch tall statue of Aunt Jemima on my desk. Just thought I'd throw that out there.....:cool:
    #14     Feb 21, 2009
  5. He has two young daughters. Do you think it demonstrates a deep-seated disregard for how they might be affected when their father is alluded to in such classless ways. Just leave the adults alone jackasses.
    #15     Feb 21, 2009
  6. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Instead of doing it by sucking up to radical black leaders in Chicago and the WHITE Democratic establishment. Anyone who claims Obama's not been about making money is foolish, and there is nothing wrong about it, but this is a guy who'd made several million dollars on two "memoirs" before he'd even done anything. Hell I could write a few if I wanted too, I was born to a single mother and spent some time on welfare, I grew up poor, I overcame "the system", I've been a "victim" of the American medical system. Wow I'm on a roll here.

    Anyway, in terms of calling him something, the rule has tended to be, in the past, that once you are President everything is fair game, at least in the last 30 years or so. He took the job. Obviously he will try to cry racism whenever he can, it's a political weopon for him exactly the same as when the republicans try to question your patriotism. It's 100% the same thing, and just as trashy.
    #16     Feb 21, 2009
  7. Obama could have made a ton of money on Wall Street, instead he made a decent living.

    Community activism doesn't pay like Lehman Brothers did...

    #17     Feb 21, 2009
  8. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I'm sure he will turn out just fine with the path he has taken, better then he would have on Wall Street, although he is obviously smart enough and savy enough to have done very well for himself there as well.
    #18     Feb 21, 2009
  9. Mercor


    Obama instead went for the easy money.
    Feeding off the Government trough between churches ,nonprofits and various welfare programs. Much like his fellow Reverend’s, Jackson, Wright , Sharpton.

    As long as the Black leaders and Democrats can keep the people poor and uneducated there will always be big money to be made, the Obama way.
    #19     Feb 21, 2009
  10. If the money is so easy, why don't more people do it so sucessfully...

    I would say that being a broker at Lehman, having family connections during the easy money days was much easier job than working as a community organizer...

    As far as education poor blacks, the repubs don't have a leg to stand on, we all know that.

    Portraying that any differently is just ridiculous.

    If the repugs had their way it would all be home schooling or private schools that only the wealthy can afford, and that certainly wouldn't be a grand plan for change in the poor black communities.

    That you would even try to compare the money made on Wall Street to what a community organizer makes is beyond ridiculous.

    #20     Feb 21, 2009