What action do we take if this happens???

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ElCubano, Apr 4, 2003.

  1. dbphoenix


    Pretending the Coalition Forces aren't there is pretty unconventional. :p

    #11     Apr 5, 2003
  2. Now Aphie really, do you believe everything you read? Or did you spin that tale yourself.

    200,000 men ages 20-23. Never having seen the light of day?

    Can you imagine the logistics involved in obtaining 50,000 males babies a year, 4 years running, separating them from their natural parents, creating a staff to feed them and attend to their care, raise them, educate them even if for martial purposes only, all UNDERGROUND for a 20 year period? How can you train a person for urban combat that has never been in an urban setting?

    Imagine an army facility designed for 20,000 troops. That's huge. Now multiply that by 10 and build it underground. Build 10 not one. Now imagine there's not 200,000 troops but they are 5-9 years old. That would require at least 10,000 adult specialists. Again, all underground. But let's take it a step further. Take an individual trained to kill (with his teeth if neccessary) and grow him underground. Let him loose on the 33rd day (why 33 days?)on the streets of Baghdad. Don't you think that's like putting someone in an alien environment that bears no resemblance to the world they grew up in. How would this soldier even know how to turn a street corner, for example? He would be comletely lost.

    Its called scence fiction. But its a hell of a good yarn.

    Maybe some element is true, like the Baaths culled certain children out of school, unruly types, and put on the a martial training program at special camps.
    #12     Apr 6, 2003
  3. ROFL! dgabriel, aphie obviously saw Kurt Russell's "Soldier" and took it WAY too seriously! :D
    #13     Apr 6, 2003