Discussion in 'Options' started by oldnemesis, Sep 13, 2016.


    With WFC at 46.96
    Jun '17 55/60 bear call spread for a net credit of $45
    Yield = 45/455 = 9.9% in 276 days or 13.1% annualized
    Prob = 82.8%
    Expectation = .83(45) - .07(455) - .1(228) = 37.4 - 31.9 - 22.8 = -17.3

    Price........ Profit / Loss........ ROM %
    35.22.............. 45.00.............. 9.90%
    45.00.............. 45.00.............. 9.90%
    50.00.............. 45.00.............. 9.90%
    55.00.............. 45.00.............. 9.90%
    55.45................ 0.00.............. 0.00%
    58.93............ (347.70)......... -69.54%
    60.00............ (455.00)......... -90.10%
    65.00............ (455.00)......... -90.10%
    75.00............ (455.00)......... -90.10%
  2. filled at $45
  3. ironchef


    What about a Jan 18 55/60 bull call spread instead since WFC is at/near 52-week low?
  4. ??????????

    What are you hypothesizing? It would seem to me to take a reality inversion for that trade to be successful.
  5. ironchef


    Frankly I didn't know what I was doing either. My thought was: if I am a contrarian and think WFC's drop is market overreaction, that the stock price will move back up in the near future, why don't I go bullish and do a bull spread?

    If I were to bet against the market, what is the best approach?


    With WFC at 45.31
    Trade 1
    Jan '17 43/46 bull call spread for a net debit of $187
    Yield = 113/187 = 60.47% in 114 days
    Price............ Profit / Loss ............ROI %
    32.25............... (187.00)............ -100.00%
    37.10............... (187.00)............ -100.00%
    42.20............... (187.00)............ -100.00%
    43.00............... (187.00)............ -100.00%
    44.87.................... 0.00.................. 0.00%
    46.00................ 113.00................. 60.43%
    47.30................ 113.00................. 60.43%
    52.40................ 113.00................. 60.43%
    57.50................ 113.00................. 60.43%

    Trade 2

    Jan '17 45/48 bull call spread for a net debit of $130
    Yield = 170/130 = 131% in 114 days

    Price.............. Profit / Loss........... ROI %
    33.75................. (130.00)............ -100.00%
    38.79................. (130.00)............ -100.00%
    44.09................. (130.00)............ -100.00%
    45.00................. (130.00)............ -100.00%
    46.30...................... 0.00.................. 0.00%
    48.00................... 170.00............... 130.77%
    49.39................... 170.00............... 130.77%
    54.70................... 170.00............... 130.77%
    60.00................... 170.00............... 130.77%

    Both trades hypothesize we have bottomed and there will be a bounce. A very minimal one in trade #1, a larger one in trade #2.

    Some people will see the previous bottoming on June 27 as support for the bottom hypothesis... the bounce is pure speculation.

    Here's a different bottom based trade:

    Jan '17 40/36 bull put spread for a net credit of $34
    Yield = 34/366 = 9.3% in 114 days

    Price.............. Profit / Loss........ ROM %
    27.00................. (366.00)............ -91.50%
    32.69................. (366.00)............ -91.50%
    36.00................. (366.00)............ -91.50%
    38.68................... (98.50)............ -24.63%
    39.66...................... 0.00................ 0.00%
    40.00..................... 34.00............... 9.30%
    44.66..................... 34.00............... 9.30%
    50.65..................... 34.00............... 9.30%
    56.64..................... 34.00............... 9.30%

    no bounce is necessary, a little bit of down drift would be accommodated.

    I haven't computed any prob or expectation as these calculations are especially
    inappropriate at this juncture for this stock.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
    ironchef likes this.
  7. ironchef


    Thanks for the suggestions. Of course I have the luxury of waiting to see how things would unfold. However, just my casually looking at the prices, there seemed to be support at ~$45. Also, at $45 PE is ~11.2, on the low side for this stock.

    Disclosure: WFC is one of my long term stocks.

  8. ironchef
