"We've Figured Him Out... Why Obama Is In Such A Hurry".. Ben Stein

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Oct 18, 2009.

  1. You might be wrong about "fixing the problems after he's gone"... Once Socialistic programs are into the society and "legally on the books", they're virtually impossible to remove. (It's one thing to not give somebody a benefit.. it's quite another to retract it once given.)

    Even if Obama serves only one term, the damage left in his wake could be irreparable. Therefore, we should all be hoping his one term gets cut short... :mad:
    #31     Oct 19, 2009
  2. Why ? They (those entities that would contemplate such action) are aware that an equally destructive force is actually running the US government, so why risk a counter-attack. Four years of a radical leftist at the helm will have the same desired effect.
    #32     Oct 19, 2009
  3. All they know is they hate everything the West stands for and even after Obama is gone the US will still be the great Satan.

    MAD only works when dealing with rational thugs like the Russians and Chinese. These religious kooks are a different matter.

    They don't care about a counter attack since they want as many people to die as possible.
    #33     Oct 19, 2009
  4. cstfx


    Careful! You are crossing a line you really don't want to cross with that last remark.

    (plus you are just re-enforcing a stereotype that has become a rather handy tool of the left)
    #34     Oct 19, 2009
  5. how about some examples of these socialist programs that are virtually impossible to remove and "legally on the books" (like...uh...laws...like...uh...duh fairly fascist patriot act which among other good ole free america aspects, suspended the 6th amendment "in special cases"/for special nationalities/religions)?

    you all like to imagine the worst, nuclear blasts and murder to save us from this future reality so bad because... right, these socialist programs and why they are so bad, if you would be so kind as to explain? please:D
    #35     Oct 19, 2009
  6. i don't know if you have ever left the good old US of A but was in Turkey in august and they love Obama. not sure if it is Turkish language but they described Bush as shayTAN, with an emphasis on the second syllable.
    i was confused until the guy put his fingers on his head as horns...ohhhh...yes, satan, bush is satan
    #36     Oct 19, 2009
  7. Ben Stein is ugly, and I bet he acted at hollywood because of the zionists who control the gates. His claim that he is actor should be disregarded.

    I would hire him as a garbage collector, starting with the collection of the garbage he writes.

    I believe that Ben Stein is writing such things mainly to demonize Obama because Obama is a just person, and a man of peace, who wants to solve the Middle east problem.

    I would like to read what, if any, Ben Stein wrote about frauds/crimes from the likes of Maddoff, and Polanski?
    I also read that Stein is one of the defenders in public opinion of Polanski, a fugitive caught on the run for 30 years from the US justice for raping a little american girl who is only 13 years old. Polanski was also an "actor" in hollywood, and apparently a zionist.

    I would not be suprised that a bunch of zionists against peace are playing the propaganda music, which would explain the presence of Stein's garbage on this thread.
    #38     Oct 19, 2009
  8. maxpi


    What, Social Security is not absolutely going to bankrupt the US? I found some website that says it's urban myth but the numbers look awful! Would Americans continue to work hard if it took two workers to support one retiree... and the workers knew that they would not collect much when they needed it... I guess that's the Socialist dream though, just live a shitty life paying for everybody and then die...
    #39     Oct 20, 2009