Were to find total US job cute statistics by industry?

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by BigGun, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. BigGun


    Anyone know were to find total US job cute statistics by industry?
  2. Here are some stats from a cute job:

  3. It's where not were.

  4. Lucrum


    And CUT not cute.

  5. He meant whore not where.
  6. SteveGee58, damn it, I was just starting to relax, man! You know you shouldn't be playing with jailbait!
  7. I'll give the dummy that one as a hit to the e key instead of the s.
    were instead of where?.....that's high school drop out mistakes///////.

  8. BigGun


    Looks like we have a bunch of spelling B champs here, what a bunch of twits.

    Anyone know a job cut source ?
  9. Its spelling "bee", not "B" :D
    #10     Nov 17, 2008