Well WSB - it was a nice run

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by IamTheCasino, Jan 31, 2021.

  1. Butterfly


    a lot of smart lawyers working at the SEC, they know their shit

    Disclosure is their hot buttons in the last few years, everything that is not properly disclosed, they go hunt you like a pack of wolf. If you are big and have the money, it's cookies time for them, easy targets, because there is always something missing or "dodgy" in your disclosure. Impossible to track everything for a compliance department.
  2. JSOP


  3. Butterfly


  4. Axon likes this.
  5. smallfil


    What they do not tell you is the other hedge funds who made billions running up GME and AMC, getting out at the top and then, shorting it on the same day, and making more monies when prices dropped 50% in one day? Those guys are the real big winners, not some lucky retail traders. Most retail traders lost their monies. A lot them was still buying shares of GME and AMC at the very top.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    adamovicm likes this.
  6. Mercor


    100% correct
    And once this settles down there will be as many shorts as before,(with better hedging) and GME will go to zero
    smallfil likes this.
  7. JSOP


    If there is better hedging to the shorts, that means there would be longs, GME will survive forever. :)

    Long live GME!!!