Well....It's That Time....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. It is time to clean house.........

    Most of the fat recently reared its couch sitting head....when the little house that could ....which should reflect a $70,000 price tag.....had over $700k in swirling paper fat depending on its valuation......$70k is the number....

    Cars....What should be $12k....is more than $38k....reflective of medical and retirement guarantees, and the almighty legal largesse formed by the worst legal scum in America....technology baked in with useless add ons that have nothing to do with getting from point A to point B....

    Medical....The family to family quest of the right to be more pompous and better than anyone else in town.....depending on old people and children to pay their country club memberships.....and of course funny government payments...

    The two party joke democracy by advertising budgets.....this is all too clear....Any fool knows that sound projects are not built on whimsical shifting sand...whereas the only objective in the fubar system is to pay supporters their chips while in office......a flawed structure to its core.....serving only special interests behind closed doors....

    The SEC.....the real paying corporate job revolving door....who has no real interest but the better paying corporate jobs which lie awaiting....the police policing the police..........

    The tax equation.....the myth of securing payments by taxing more....whereas a simple consumption tax of 10% would increase tax revenue many fold....

    The Stock Exchanges......supposedly the cheapest money which creates opportunity is getting more expensive than debt because of legal largesse via the SEC....and the greediest scum on Wall Street....Stock could be the number 1 way to better distribute and guard wealth....but because of the greediest scum based fraternity on earth, less than 1% control more than 80% of stock wealth....and literally pay themselves with conjured up legal largesse bullshit......baked in by accounting fiction....

    Bank debt......The most noble lot.... supposedly the stalwarts of insisting on conservative loans.....levered themselves to unimaginable heights by levering garbage based CCC debt which was labeled AAA at the myth factory....Every one of them deserves to go to hell....

    The Fiats Fiasco....Yeah...its time to call 1/2 of a dollar ....1/2 of a dollar....
    Here's your friend again....he just bit off half your candy, re-wrapped it....and called it a whole piece....just for you.....

    Yeah....It is that time.....