Welcome to Baghdad, oops, I mean Baltimore

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, Sep 1, 2019.

  1. wildchild


    Elijah Cummings certainly has a great track record. Baltimore is a city of one party Democrat rule and it has been for decades. How have they done? Well, the proof is in the pudding.

  2. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    A white guy just shot over 20 people in Texas yesterday.
  3. Amun Ra

    Amun Ra

    Are you saying a persons skin color has something to do with how violent they are?
  4. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    If you know Dumbchilds history you know that is what he is saying
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2019
  5. Amun Ra

    Amun Ra

    Sorry, I don't.
  6. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    He's a racist piece of shit that loves to start threads about black violence so I remind him of white violence.
  7. Wallet


    So that makes you a racist piece of shit that loves to start threads about white violence?
    Tsing Tao likes this.
  8. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Nope.Pointing out racist conservative hypocrisy and gun violence caused by conservative gun policy.
  9. LacesOut


    Tony Stark, the guy who calls black people who he doesn’t like, COONS, calling people racists.
    That’s rich.
  10. wildchild


    Asshole, Baltimore is an extremely violent city and the population is primarily black. Why is it okay that the people of Baltimore should be subject to that?

    The democrat has done nothing for those people.

    Elijah Cummings has done nothing for those people.

    Hussein Obama has done nothing for them.

    The party of the Klan and slavery have not changed a bit.
    #10     Sep 1, 2019