WE are the 95%!

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by pcp198, Oct 11, 2011.

  1. You are a fool, I quit high school and I am a profitable trader. And I own 3 successful business's. Why are you so negative all the time. Thats why you are a loser because you have to be a positive person to be a winner!
    #11     Oct 11, 2011
  2. I'm not sure what "achieved the most intellects" means, but Albert had the brains before he went to university.
    He could have excelled in anything, but he had an insatiable curiosity in physics, and was driven to the point of being consumed with it. As for math, his own father told him he was too stupid to succeed in math.
    So, like the very few who DO succeed, he didn't listen to anyone.:)
    #12     Oct 11, 2011
  3. A+

    :) :) :)

    So, like the very few who DO succeed, he didn't listen to anyone.

    Fuck the other idiots !!! go your own way !!! Be smart and never look back !!!
    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Albert Einstein is just one of a lot of genius in the history. Every genius have his special subject. For some its trading, for others its math or painting or astronomy !!! For sure Einstein was a bad painter, nobody is good in everything. Just Focus, focus, focus on your thing, and you will succeed. one day....:p
    #13     Oct 11, 2011
  4. a few other very smart mans in their subject. here in electricity:
    Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Luigi Galvani, Alexandro Volta.
    Their work is really fascinating, escpecially Tesla !!!

    If they would have decided to be a trader, they would have been very good in it, i would bet on it. Passion is the key of success....

    :eek: :eek: :eek:
    #14     Oct 11, 2011
  5. N54_Fan


    So do you think that the MIT team which I believe was made up of only about 6 people are the only winners on BJ? Did you know that the most successful of the BJ guys on the MIT Team is now a professional POKER player? Would you say that the poker players have similar characteristics? How many poker players actually have a college degree? Doyle Brunson, Gus Hansen, are 2 of the best and to my knowlege do not have degrees in finance or computers.

    Poker is probably more analagous to trading than anything else. You need to know % probabilities and know how much to risk per bet and when to add to a position. This is based on stats and math that anyone that can +/-/*/and divide can do. I will continue to disagree as I think one can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

    Besides,...I'm SPECIAL,...my mommy told me when I was 5 that I was. :p .
    #15     Oct 11, 2011
  6. N54_Fan



    I too am profitable trader but I have no degree in math or finance. I am very good at math, have excellent self insight into my own personal psychology, and I feel I have great decision making skills. Those 3 core skills I think make me a profitable trader.

    Oh and I am a positive person.:D

    This sums it up!...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DIETlxquzY
    #16     Oct 11, 2011
  7. Roark


    Really? Is that what people do when they own three successful businesses? They start trading?

    Steve Jobs co-founded Apple, NeXT, and bought Pixar. Why didn't he become a profitable trader as well?
    #17     Oct 11, 2011
  8. Really? Is that what people do when they own three successful businesses? They start trading?

    Steve Jobs co-founded Apple, NeXT, and bought Pixar. Why didn't he become a profitable trader as well?

    Steve Jobs, Founders of Facebook, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, and the list goes on and on and on realized true wealth is in "Creating Something". Not, shuffl'n around paper in some game of Bid/offer and digital matrix of 1s and Zeros.

    Creating something, either a tangible product or a "Service" is where true wealth is created and maintained.

    There are by far, more wealthier individuals who created business vrs traders. Hell, I know owners of Restaurants who make more than most traders. On an % basis, there are far more successful Business owners than traders in this world.

    I'm not saying that Trading isn't business. It is, but the success rate is far less than that of entrepreneurship.

    The future of wealth building is not in the "Paper Game" it's in world of entrepreneurship on a Global Level.

    Going forward, in the next century, I doubt the "Global" markets will play much of a role in creating wealth for some poor sap just outa university.
    #18     Oct 11, 2011
  9. Your right! I have 2 restaurants and a bar and trading is more or less a hobby I do every day. yes, I am lucky and I know it and I hate to flaunt it but I am so sick of that negative guy EMG or whatever his name is always thinking he is better than others. I have many employees with college degrees working for me...the high school dropout.
    #19     Oct 11, 2011
  10. lg_cap


    I have seen long SCHOOLED people ( professooooreee, etc...) who have tried trading and were pathetically lousy in it . I have also seen rough, un-SCHOOLED people ( doesn't mean uneducated) who were excellent traders.
    Trading success per se in my views has nothing to do with years of schooling. What I have also noticed, is the best traders seem to have the nicest personalities - good karma or deep understanding of humanity aka psychology ? Can't say.
    As an aspirant top trader, I am looking for these good people.
    No need to form an orderly queue. :D
    #20     Oct 12, 2011