Watchdog software to monitor autotrading

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by Fractals 'R Us, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. With IB, is there a way to have two computers logged into the same account? I want to run a trading algo on one machine and use the other one for watchdog software that will shut down trading if things go wild..

    Two programs can access the API from the same machine. I can run the watchdog software from the same machine as the algo easily enough but my thinking is that the watchdog software should run on a different machine.
  2. yeah, if they're on diferent machines you need to get two usernames linked to the same account which is free from IB.

    then you're set.
  3. Cool, that was quick response, I was editing my post and already had the answer.. :cool:
  4. foible


    If you don't want to get a second user, you can add a second IP address in the API settings for TWS and connect just as you would do if you logged in locally.