Watch the homophobes go nuts with this one...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, May 15, 2008.

  1. The Californians voted against same sex marriage, now to have their vote thrown out by the tyranny of the minority, something the clown who started this post is quite proud of, I am sure.

    I wonder if same sex marriage will survive when the latinos finishing seizing power here in Cali.
    #21     May 15, 2008
  2. Turok


    >The Californians voted against same sex marriage,
    >now to have their vote thrown out by the tyranny
    >of the minority ...

    So, should the "majority" be able to violate the constitution? I say "no".

    The majority *should* be able to change the constitution however, and that will likely be the end result of this ruling.

    #22     May 16, 2008
  3. Mercor


    This is a perfect example of the Government expanding into areas it should not.

    Why is the "state" in the marriage business. Leave that to private institutions like the church.

    State marriage is simply a separate tax sphere intend to protect the assets of a family from the state in case of a separation or death.
    It has nothing to do with love or faithfulness. A couple does not have to prove they are in love to get a state marriage.
    The church may require that judgment.

    What states should do now is allow any 2 people to enter this tax sphere for any reason, without having to prove they are either opposite sex or dick-suckers.

    I think this will become a tax dodge for estate taxes,

    It is as discriminatory to say that you either have to be a male or female or gay(however you prove that to the state) to get married. There are other relationships that should deserve that same tax sphere
    #23     May 16, 2008
  4. I personally believe zzzz is a pretty screwed up invidual. I doubt he believes all the garbage he rants about on this board. I think he just wants to irratate people and draw attention to himself.

    He spends a great deal of his time creating alias handles and moving from board to board for attention.

    Clearly his life is very empty.

    #24     May 16, 2008
  5. "I personally believe...."

    Well, you got that going for you...

    #25     May 16, 2008
  6. Actually, L Ron Hubbard visited me in a vision I had while watching battlefield earth and told me that.

    #26     May 16, 2008
  7. Okay, so you got visions of L. Ron got that going for you along with your personal beliefs...

    #27     May 16, 2008
  8. Jeebus will strike down the sodomites and that devil court out in CA

    Check out Craigslist - Rant & Rave -- in just about any city.

    #28     May 16, 2008
  9. brandx


    If one wants to refer to human population when one speaks of size, one should clarify that in the statement.

    "Area" is assumed when speaking of the largest of any entity.

    Stick "What Is the Largest State in the United States" in your browser. Any 5th grader would know the answer.

    Alaska is the largest of the United States of America. :eek:
    #29     May 16, 2008
  10. Cutten


    Since marriage is about the worst thing that can happen to your sex life, why would pervs like it?

    Marriage is for people who like kids and monogamy, and are willing to flush their sex life and half their net worth down the drain to achieve those two goals.

    Besides, most pervs ARE married. Most clients of hookers are married. Paedos are notorious for getting married so they can breed kids and then molest them later. Any time you read about some guy who got busted in a brothel, or doing some kinda perversion, chances are he's married.
    #30     May 16, 2008