Watch in Realtime as I make $10k, or possibly (literally) DIE TRYING

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Brandonf, Feb 22, 2009.



    Hey Brandon,

    Thanks for sharing this. It puts many things I easily put off as difficult into perspective. Your strength and persistence are inspiring. Hope you get well soon.
    #51     Feb 23, 2009
  2. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Just a quick "survery" question here for ya'll. Would you be most interested in watching me launch a trading related product/site/service or something totally unrelated to trading?

    #52     Feb 23, 2009
  3. Well, well, look at the total and complete class come shining through on the site, even among people who ordinarily can't agree on whether it's day or night.

    Who said ET had no redeeming value?

    Brandon, as far as what we'd like to see - a trading platform product or something else, I (I won't speak for anyone else) would like to see something motivated by your passion, whether that be trading, writing, cooking or whatever.

    Go with the flow, bro.

    How is the status of the infection treatment coming along?
    #53     Feb 24, 2009
  4. bronks


    Keep up the good fight Brandon. I hope everything works out for ya bud.
    #54     Feb 24, 2009
  5. <i>"Well, well, look at the total and complete class come shining through on the site, even among people who ordinarily can't agree on whether it's day or night. Who said ET had no redeeming value?"</i>

    When men simply set aside their juvenile behavior masked by anonymity and get serious for a moment, class is allowed to see the light of day.

    Brandon, there isn't a person here who doesn't wish you anything but the very best possible health and a long, fun-filled life ahead. There isn't a person here who cannot see themselves in your shoes, and not one of us is anxious to be there.

    What you have chronicled thru the past months and years via your health issues is an eye-opener for everyone. Trading is a miniscule aspect of life, and not one iota more. I've always enjoyed everything you post, I expect that will never change and I expect to see you here for a long time to come.

    Take great care, get well soon as time & healing permits, and whatever you grace these pages with will be much appreciated by all.
    #55     Feb 24, 2009
  6. q.b.q.b


    I'd prefer to see non-trading related product, but I'm sure many here would like to see it have to do with trading.

    Whatever you prefer would be best as the principle will be the same for any other online business.
    #56     Feb 24, 2009
  7. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    The surgeon this morning said that the wound itself is healing very well, that even though it's only been since Thursday night/Friday morning that they operated on it, the amount of healing is what he'd expect after over twice as long. He said if it was simply a matter of the wound itself they would be ready to turn me loose. I'll take a picture of it later. What we still do not know though is why do I keep getting it and getting it and getting it.
    They think I have a condition where my white cell do not oxygenate correctly when I have bacterial infections, which makes me get them so much, and badly when I do.
    I'm gonna lay back down for a bit, when I get up I'll make a couple vids and post them up.
    #57     Feb 24, 2009
  8. Brandon - personally, I'd love to see something stock market related so I can understand it better. I'm guessing most here would feel the same way. Will be hard for me to follow something that doesn't interest me.

    But doesn't necessarily have to be trading related - meaning could be general stock market things. Would you say it's better to have a product that can appeal to a large mass of people (general market info) or focus on a niche (daytrading)?

    Just my 2 cents.
    #58     Feb 24, 2009
  9. You should ask him if taking potassium iodate on a daily basis - maybe 25 micrograms a day - will help prevent these infections.
    #59     Feb 24, 2009
  10. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Kinda worthless today, I have not gotten anything done at all except sleep. Supposed to be having a bone marrow biopsy today or vote is tomorrow :)

    Like I said in my last update the wound itself is healing very nicely. The surgeon said that the surgical wound is healing up way ahead of what they'd hoped for. My big issue today has been anemia, my hemoglobal is under 6 right now..which probably explains being tired as hell.

    Still have not gotten the next video done yet though for you guys since I've been tired due to the anemia.

    I will get a couple done this evening..but for now I'm gonna take a nap. I'll probably get the videos done after they transfuse me and I wake up again.
    #60     Feb 24, 2009