Washington D.C. - There is no "Deep State". But we're all running as Dems to keep it going.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wilburbear, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. What I find fascinating about the current political debate: in, finally, just having to respond, in some way, to current threats, the Deep State is revealing things about itself just by the way it responds to threats.

    How can they now say "there is no Deep State", when they have recently been forced into action to keep it together?

    Up next: Why do all these salaried, career government employees risk their jobs, benefits to protect the Deep State? An unseen entity is keeping them moving in the same direction. Again, they have been forced to respond, and we can see how they respond.

    It's not paranoia to suggest Hillary or Obama have a role in moving the herd - which is moving in a wonderfully coordinated way. But that's for the future. Most people aren't thinking about this yet.

    elderado likes this.
  2. Seek help.
    exGOPer and destriero like this.
  3. deep state - the ranks are thinning.

    strzok and his lover on the sidelines, mccabe fired, comey squashed by the reach of the president as his book tour fades, etc.

    hillary and brennan still fighting for the deep state while trying to act like there is no deep state.

    the numbers don't look good
  4. UsualName


    Perhaps you should read the wealth of nations. Sometimes the “invisible hand” isn’t a conspiracy but a reaction of market conditions, or in the case of Trump total political corruption.

    “An unseen entity is keeping them moving in the same direction.”
  5. Eight years of obama's political commissars weeded out any independent thinkers from the bureaucracy. They only hire and promote those who are in line with their objectives. A conservative or practicing Christian has about as much chance at a high federal job as he does at getting hired by NBC, CNN or a university.

    It's considered a point of pride among bureaucrats that they can ignore a republican president's policies and enforce their own. If they are called to account, they will run whining to the media that they are being punished for resisting some extremist craziness.
  6. Agree. And it's noteworthy that "practicing Christians" are among the few that resist the bureaucracy. It's like they have an internal compass or something.

    The compass thing is not wanted in Washington D.C.
  7. jem


    the protestant work ethic and america were founded upon the idea that man should be independent and free of the Church or the King telling him or her what to do. Every person was suitable to read the bible or not and determine what he (and now she) wished to do with their lives.

    Plus Jesus was crucified by a powerful state and cronies who wish to keep their power.

    Plus, for the last 50 years the federal govt has been acting against the general good of tax paying americans.

    I challenge lefties to go ahead and show us what good the Federal Govt has done since reagan the list will be short and dubious. As I said Hillary Clinton could not name one accomplishment she had at the State Dept.

    So unless you were a crony or someone else leaching off the Federal Govt... why would you be in favor of a deep power state.

    The Federal govt should be limited in size and serving the limited functions delineated to it in writing under the Constitution.