Was there ever nothing?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by easymon1, Aug 3, 2022.

  1. easymon1


  2. notagain


    potential/kinetic oscillation
    potential is the higher formless reality (be water)
    kinetic energy is a fish out of water
  3. SunTrader


    Was there ever nothing? Yes. tRump's brain. Then, now and forever.
  4. I believe I have read that it is impossible for there to be "nothing".

    A logical mind would believe that in the beginning, there had to be "nothing".

    But what's even more strange is the thought that there has always been "something".

    Then again, maybe everything is just an illusion.
  5. Overnight


    Yes, it is impossible for there to be "nothing", because otherwise there would be something other than nothing. Which means there must be "something". And that something is reality.

    It is basically a divide-by-zero error in thought and imagination and science.
    Ayn Rand likes this.
  6. stu


    ..but the something would still be nothing.:confused:

    You can't get something from nothing might well be true in everyday practical applications.

    It isn't necessarily philosophically the case, nor scientifically true that the physical Universe can't come into existence from nothing.

    please help sponsor this post by sending me $1,000 to get nothing in return.:)
  7. tomorton


    No there was never nothing. In aggregate there must always have been a quantity of mass and a quantity of energy going back to an infinite past. The mass and energy would have always been in a state of flux within and between themselves just as they are today. The process is incomplete, it never started from because it has always been, it will never end, it will never be perfected.
  8. Good1


    No there has always been something, a Being.
    The moment before, or right as faith takes over mind space, there is nothing.
    I mean there is a sort of null and void upon which faith builds it's structures.
    Arguably, the structures are still null and void and empty.
    That's a basic tenant in Buddhism.
    Current, evolved version of Christianity asserts something can be built on top of the void of nothingness.
    But Jesus asserted this is like building a structure on a foundation of sand.
    The more complex the structure, the more spectacular will be the crash when it falls.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  9. jason84


    The universe was at one time the size of a coin, so everything outside of that was nothing.
    Before the Big Bang, there was nothing but God.
    At the edges of the known universe, there would also be nothing.
  10. Overnight


    I don't understand why you guys don't try to understand the concept of something vs. nothing in your own lives. It is available to you every day, when you fall to sleep.

    Try to remember the point you fall asleep. You cannot do it without remembering the last thing you recall before falling asleep the next time you wake up. This means that the time between those two points is the infinite nothingness you will experience upon death, and which you experienced before your own birth.

    #10     Sep 20, 2022