Was March a Multi-Year Bottom? You Decide.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by circadian, May 7, 2009.

Will March Lows Hold for the Next Year?

  1. YES

    6 vote(s)
  2. NO

    6 vote(s)
  1. Have a look at the chart I provided. On it, you'll see an indicator of mine. Notice the thrusts that are indicative of bottoms that tend to hold for a couple of years. On an historical basis, this indicator has shown the same action for all of the important lows on the S&P, dating back to 1950. These large, vertical spikes tend to hold for a while, and are often indicative of months and month of follow through (if not a couple of years).

    Aside from a much overdue correction, I don't think that the March lows will be revisited for a good bit (at least a year). Either that, or Goldman and Rentech are in the midst of the biggest market game/pump-and-dump of all time. I guess we'll see.