
Discussion in 'Options' started by SoesWasBetter, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. How is it possible for a long term warrant to be trading near intrinsic ? Ok its in the money but not by a huge amount. Call it in the money $3 on a 12 stock.

    YEARS to run.
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Callable? It can trade at discount if it is about to be called and the stock is hard to borrow. I used to buy some below parity.
  3. Neither of those, but digging , I see they did do some amend to some esoteric aspect of the terms.

    nothing to do with fair value though .

    Its not a huge bargain, but its something you'd think the bots would pick up .
    Illiquid piece of shit though
  4. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Warrants generally trade at a premium to a similar options price, as you can't short most warrants. If it trades at a discount, I would continue to look for the reason. What is the symbol?
  5. truetype


    That's super special secret. If he told you he'd have to kill you.
  6. Something looks wrong , but who the hell knows. Looks like a free arb on the face of it
  7. spindr0


    Just guessing but is there any possibility that there are special considerations imbedded in the warrant?
  8. I looked, didnt find any . Can;t do more than that

    At one time recently it traded with premium.