WARNING This might give you global warming goons an embolism

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by SoesWasBetter, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Sig


    Are you claiming the information is somehow less valid because a study of something as long-term as climate change was released 3 months after is was completed?

    The news here, just to be clear, is not that scientists are still fairly sure humans are causing climate change. The news is that the Trump administration let this slip through (probably due to mere incompetence given my experience in federal govt working with the political appointees) while their general stated thoughts and policy actions are that climate change is a "hoax". It's generally a journalists job to point out when one agency of government is doing the opposite of another when they have the same boss. That's what's happening here. Ironically since Trump ran on his immense competence at running organizations.
    #71     Nov 5, 2017
  2. FAKE NEWS , they might as well report that the earth is not flat, that's also old news but hey, it's a better headline
    #72     Nov 6, 2017
  3. Sig


    What exactly is FAKE about it? You have the Department of Energy, EPA, Department of the Interior....all cabinet agencies working for Trump erasing their climate change pages on their web sites and changing anything critical of fossil fuels (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...p-climate-change-mentions-government-websites gives you some instances, but you can actually go to the web sites and compare them to archive.org versions of those same pages if you're convinced that The Guardian is "FAKE NEWS" and you can be bothered to actually check easily verifiable facts) while at the same time releasing a study (the study release was the day the headline was released and in fact is what the article was about) stating that it's nearly certain that human's are causing climate change. What part of that is FAKE? The fact that the newspaper waited until a Trump cabinet agency released the report to point out that the report was at odds with what the rest of the Trump administration was doing? For about the fifth time, you're intellectually better than this! Why are you so passionate about fossil fuel plants, so much so that you throw out your normal intelligence and good sense whenever anything that might threaten them comes up?

    By the way, the only somewhat rational support I've heard from conservative friends for Trump despite his utter incompetence, ignorance, and unprofessionalism is that anything that makes liberals mad makes them happy. That's a cynical and nihilistic view of the world, but liberals have a somewhat similar view from an apocryphal Gandhi quote "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." People in the renewables and climate change world are pretty excited that we're already on step 3 of that 4 step process, with you as exhibit 1!
    #73     Nov 6, 2017
  4. jem


    if you just had peer reviewed research showing man made co2 was causing warming... we could take you seriously sig.

    until you have science its speculation.
    When you position speculation as fact... its fake news.
    #74     Nov 8, 2017
  5. They said the same of arsenic in the 17th century...even if your underlying point were true.
    #75     Nov 8, 2017
  6. Sig


    Please do read the thread before demanding anything. If you can't be bothered to do that, you clearly lack the will or skill to read what you demand. A Breitbart article was posted claiming that 400 scientific papers showed global warming was a myth. I very clearly showed that even bothering to read the abstracts of most of those 400 papers would show that they either weren't about climate change, didn't attempt to debunk any aspect of climate change theory, or worst of all in some cases actually did in fact support current climate change theory. Do you disagree that the Breitbart article was a blatant falsehood, or what one could with full certainty call "fake news"? If so, great, we agree. If not, you have some serious reading comprehension issues, or more likely from your post some serious willful ignorance issues.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
    #76     Nov 8, 2017
  7. Humpy


    I was amused to see that of only 2 countries to deny global warming one i.e. Syria has changed it's mind.
    That just leaves ONE country denying it officially. Guess which one ?
    #77     Nov 10, 2017
  8. Sig


    The problem with the playground language crowd that I've observed as a former conservative, fundamentalist christian is that they have a fundamentalist christian outlook on life, even if they aren't actually religious. One aspect of that belief system is that if everyone else believes differently than you, it makes you a martyr and causes you to hold on to that belief even tighter. As I'm sure you'll see demonstrated shortly here.
    #78     Nov 10, 2017