War with Iran?

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by cmptrgeek, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. BCE


    Agree. They'll wait til after the elections though most likely. They need to ratchet up the anit-Iran rhetoric some more first. No ground war. Iran has a huge army. Plus look at the disaster in Iraq. Oh, wait, I forgot. Cheney says the "insurgency" is nearing an end. Oh, yeah that's right. Peace and harmony is just around the corner. There will be a Starbucks and McDonalds on every corner within a few months run as Halliburton franchises.
    Yes they are. No doubt. And Rumsfeld too.(Who by the way was in Iraq shaking Saddam's hand after he gassed the Kurds) :(
    #11     Sep 19, 2006

  2. Yeh....bet big on that scenario....put it all! Let me know your trades, I'll gladly take the other side!

    Long Bonds, short S&P are no brainers.

    FYI, that's the way I played the Coup today, worked very well, made up for my shitty play on bonds after the number this morning.
    #12     Sep 19, 2006
  3. You PLAYED the coup??
    The bonds were already sky high and the SP is around where it was when the coup was reported..
    You must be one of them traders who trades on news...and one of the few who makes money doing it!
    #13     Sep 19, 2006