War on rich - Bogus

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by patchie, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. The dumbest person is your daddy who felt that using a condom with your whore of a mother was not necessary. Herpes was not the worst thing he got from that transaction.

    Retard, the article is very clear. The tax break instituted by Bush, which was meant to be TEMPORARY is expiring. Reading comprehension is important, I thought they make that clear even in special ed classes.

    In the rare case that your ADD won't stop you, try comparing tax rates on the rich from 30 years ago to now. Then just STFU.
    #31     Mar 31, 2009
  2. You fail to mention that the big corporation takes the place of many small businesses, who on average, would have had more people employed, and probably paid them better. Walmart is the perfect example, there is no net added employment when they come to town and kill the local economy.

    This is what Reaganomics was all about. Lower taxes for the corporations at the expense of small businesses.
    #32     Mar 31, 2009
  3. anaconda, you are as dumb as they get.

    tax cuts expiring = taxes going up. i don't care what they are returning to. by your logic, if they brought back tax cuts in ten years, you would argue that taxes are not going down.

    the world is not static. man you are a cock. what a scrote.

    anyway, maybe one day when you make enough that those tax cuts would have applied to you, we'll see how you feel. for now, just keep blaming the rich for your problems you homeless gutter rat.
    #33     Mar 31, 2009
  4. Atlanta is not that cheap. Actually, it's pretty expensive. My cost of living in Atlanta is higher than it was when I lived in San Diego.
    #34     Mar 31, 2009
  5. corporations do not create jobs. consumer demand does. if you cut taxes on best buy would they automatically create jobs, if there was no extra demand for electronics. People in this forum act as if there were no corporations everybody would be jobless, like some how we are completely dependent on them for the survival of mankind. Let all the s&p 500 co. go under and 10000 small co. will spring up in their place.We are not dependent on corporations their are dependent on us to buy their crap
    #35     Mar 31, 2009
  6. Did you miss the short yellow bus to school this morning? I would tell your momma on you, but I doubt she would care while toking on the crack pipe. As for your daddy, well his whereabouts have been a mystery for many years, although it's not a mystery why.

    It's not a complicated concept, even to those with an IQ below 70. TEMPORARY TAX CUTS! Try asking your special ed teacher for help on that one

    And before attempting to insult others in regards to income, try getting off the WIC program. Maybe then you will get a chance to realize just how much flexibility those with significant income streams have over taxes.
    #36     Mar 31, 2009
  7. with this logic you should of been decreasing your output every year do to inflation. Inflation takes more out of your spending power then taxes in the long run. The fact is that people will back stab, lie,steal just to get a chance at a promotion and a 10% raise.Hell take away the pay raise and just give the seniority and you'll see the same tactics. it is absurd to say people will work less with a tax hike. If someone like yourself won't work I'm sure somebody more hungry will gladly pick up the slack. I'm no fan of taxes either , but to imply everybody will stop producing is absurd
    #37     Mar 31, 2009
  8. as a driven, extremely capable person who grew up poor as shit who has had to fight harder than most for every scrap of success, I'm just glad that if this country goes to hell at least we are taking the rich with us for once, if only in a small way.

    as someone recently laid off, I will take anyones 300k job that doesn't want to pay an extra 1500 in taxes, and you can pay my school loans while collecting unemployment and being overqualified for every position you can get an interview for. I'm probably smarter than you anyways, especially if you think a slightly more progressive tax system is socialism.
    #38     Mar 31, 2009
  9. Exactly. The proliferation of tax shelters back then allowed high income earners to lower their effective rates down in some cases to zero.

    The better example of confiscatory taxes and limited write offs is the pre-Thatcher U.K. When I was a kid the rock band Yes was considered the ONLY English musical act to live full time in their native land. The wife of Led Zep's lead singer Robert Plant was almost killed in car accident in Greece. When they flew her back to the U.K. for treatment, her plane circled Heathrow for a couple of hours so that her accompanying husband could escape an extra day on English soil. Plant risked being in the country one day longer than the 6 month tax evasion holiday and would have been subjected to a 90% tax!

    #39     Mar 31, 2009
  10. He is CLEARLY one the stupidest people on ET. In virtually any discussion....
    #40     Mar 31, 2009