Wanted: TASC back issues

Discussion in 'Trading' started by sv651, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. sv651


    I'm missing a few back issues, specifically:

    August & December 1999
    January 2000
    October 2000 thru January 2001
    September 2001, and
    February & March 2004

  2. cant you write to TASC directly for back issues ?

    I think they only charge the issue price plus postage for it

  3. FT79


    You could also order the CD-Rom of TASC
  4. A local public library might subscribe to it. Call around to find out.
  5. sv651


    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I already have an older CD; the upgrade would cost $150 unfortunately.

    I live in a rural area, so the public library idea is a bit of a long shot.
  6. nkhoi


    August & December 1999 - yes
    January 2000 - no
    October 2000 thru January 2001 - yes
    September 2001, - yes
    February 04 - yes
    & March 2004 - no

    8 issues + S&H