Hi, Im after the book written by Martin Armstrong, "The Greatest Bull Market in History" If you know where I might get this, please let me know. Thanks, Liam O...
according to: http://www.armstrongdefensefund.org/marty.htm you can write him at: Martin Armstrong #12518050 Metropolitan Correctional Center 150 Park Row New York, NY 10007 or check with the publisher: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...f=sr_1_2/103-6912069-8613434?v=glance&s=books hth take care - omni
Go to www.abe.com and register. Then put the book on your "wants" list. You'll get an email when an abe seller lists it.
Thread necromancy, here we go!!!!! The guy is an interesting fellow: Martin A. Armstrong The Forecaster "Martin Armstrong, once a Wall Street-based financial advisor, was arrested on charges of orchestrating a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme, which he still disputes to this day. After 11 years in prison, he's ready to set the record straight."