Want to buy gas for a 25 cents per gallon?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. 377OHMS



    I like physical silver. I have a modest quantity of silver maples that I've accumulated since around 1992. I've never really paid attention to what they were worth but I'm aware that there is a somewhat painful spread if you attempt to sell them in the market. They can be easily sold around LA. After all, Tulving is right down the road.

    About 7 miles from my house is the San Andreas earthquake fault. My place sits up on a rocky butte (exposed bedrock) that historically doesn't shake much with lots of precarious rock formations looking like something out of a roadrunner cartoon. There is a good chance that my home would not collapse in a major earthquake so I would likely be able to stay in place and kind of camp out until water/power/civilization is restored.

    If something really bad happened I always figured that I could basically spark up a local barter system, you know, buy a chicken for a silver maple or a handful of shotgun shells, that kind of thing. Perhaps that is a flawed concept. My home being in the center of town but almost 400 ft above it and being made mostly of rock one does get an image of some medeviel town in germany surrounding a castle on a hilltop. I could assume the role of berger and stamp my mark on a few thousand silver maples and probably become some kind of local warlord. Yeah, thats the ticket. :D
    #21     Jun 14, 2009
  2. Yea I’m on the same email list. I don’t think generic robo letters are even read by a Congressional office, I’d rather call them when it comes to something like this.

    I am worried about Obama not signing it. I was willing to give him a chance, but I am beginning to think that he is apart of some back room club. He appointed Geithner, which means he’s perfectly fine with the Fed.

    I remember a while ago during the campaign I was listening to a town hall he was giving. Amid all the people wanting free health care and this and that, a lady stood up out of the blue and basically asked him who he thought should control the money. You could tell he was somewhat familiar with the system because he said something like “Well I guess your asking who should control the money supply, the Treasury prints the currency, but the Fed controls the money supply and I think that’s good. Over the past few years, they have increased the money supply, which is a good thing ………..” That scares me. If he cares for poor people so much, why does he support a system that screws them?
    #22     Jun 14, 2009