Want the truth?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by trader556, Oct 26, 2003.

  1. Maverick74


    So what kind of speech would you call this? Come on. Is there a double standard here? Admit it.
    #11     Oct 26, 2003

  2. You are defending your own bad behavior on the basis of bad behavior of others?

    Are you suggesting that as long as others are doing wrong, that provides you license to do the same?

    Sounds like a cop out to me, a rationalization of bad behavior.

    Simply admit you are wrong, make no excuses, and do the right thing.

    Others will see the example of one who is doing the right thing, and by contrast those who are doing the wrong thing.
    #12     Oct 26, 2003
  3. Its not about censuring free speach. Its about abuse. To say someone else does it is no excuse.

    If someone makes 100 antibush posts they might be a liberal and they might not. You still have no right to abuse them. Moreover, you have no way of knowing what their politics are.

    Bush has done some very controversial things. I was a contracts monitor for the department of defense 20 years ago and unless the laws have change, I believe that the Haliburton contract was illegal. I also wouldn't give him the benefit of a doubt, on several other things that he's done so I'm going to vote against him.

    Peace and regards to all.
    #13     Oct 26, 2003
  4. maxpi


    I don't see what the point of this kind of post is other than an underhanded, ranting attack on our morale.
    #14     Oct 26, 2003
  5. Maverick74


    Will you please give me an example of my bad behavior.

    And don't say it's when I called someone a liberal. They are a liberal. Why is that considered bad. If someone makes a statement especially defaming the character of the President and they have no facts to back it up, then yes, I am going to jump in and say something as we all should. How is that bad behavior? I am simply calling somebody out on their lies and rhetoric and you say I have no right to do that. Or I should address them as sir or madam? Are you kidding me? No way. Start posting hardcore facts and give opinions and state they are only your opinions or you will get a response from me. And I would expect you to do the same if I came on here and made statements like Bill Clinton orchestrated 9/11 to make Bush look bad.
    #15     Oct 26, 2003
  6. Those who consider themselves politically liberal, Liberal Democrats or Liberal Republicans, don't attach the meanings to the word as do conservatives. One element of the conservative onslaught that came after with Reagan was a type of ruthless propaganda. The conservative propaganda exploited the frustrations of the middle class over so many issues in modern society: taxes, crime, teenage drug use, alternative lifestyles, big government. The conservative sought to blame this all on the Liberal policies of Roosevelt, Johnson, Carter, and the growth of the federal government. They sought to use much of the methods of McCarthy but they had they advantage of having real home grown ills to point their fingers at. They created such a fearsome PR machine which resonated with enough Americans that it metastasized into certain realms of popular culture, like talk radio.

    In fact their message has been played over so much that many conservative members here sound like a Rush Limbaugh quote. They only know what a caricature of a liberal is, they do not know what a real liberal thinks or feels on matters of policy.

    Thier message was specific in blame, but amorphous in platform: crime, sex, bad schools, high taxes, red tape, pornography, abandonment of religion, gay lifestyles, welfare, drugs, were all the fault of liberal politicians and their patrons. They said that the liberals were anti American and implied that their constituency was comprised of Mexicans, Peurto Ricans, Blacks, Jews, and other undesirables. But thier platform was composed of amorphous policy ideas that they said would help the middle class but whose true intent was to benefit a select few or appeal to unspoken desires: lower taxes ( for the wealthy) Get government off our backs (cut Red Tape for the Pharm giants, Coal, TImber, Chemical industries). Give our kids good schools (keep the niggers out). Get drugs off our streets (lock the niggers up). Maintain our right to bear arms (shoot the niggers). Bring family values back (make the US a Christian Republic)
    #16     Oct 26, 2003
  7. Politicians are all part of the same sub-species. Dems and Reps are two sides of the same coin, especially when it comes to their use of propoganda.

    You make it sound like the Reps thought up propoganda when Reagan was in office. Hardly. Both sides have used fear mongering propoganda on a routine basis forever. They just target different groups, e.g., the Dems often seek to instill fear in the elderly, union workers, and minority groups through their propoganda.
    #17     Oct 26, 2003
  8. Do you enjoy calling people "n-gg-rs"? You used that word over and over again - get it out of your system. Its the typical self-hating "insert label here." Hate lurks inside of you, and you are ashamed of it and blame everyone else - so that no one points to you.

    You are exactly what this country has fought against! You are that racist and that supremist. Only you cloak it under the guise of fighting for something! That battle has long been won.

    Do you realize what you have just said? Re-read your own post. This is absurdity.
    #18     Oct 26, 2003
  9. Huh?

    Man, what ever you smoke better stop!

    For starters, where do you see any mention for, or against Israel in my post?

    Where do you see rooting for the stock market to go down?

    Where do you see me rooting for soldiers to die? I've been asking to bring them back/have been against this malarkey you call war, before it even started.

    " a dead soldier here a dead soldier there" your words. Gow would like if that dead was you, or your brother?
    Are you reading what you are posting? What kind of glasses are you wearing?

    I do agree with you though... This Is Sad.

    Same old, same old response. You don't like the content of one's message and you start talking irrelevancies, and on top of it you personally attack the poster.

    This is getting old.

    I asked you before and I will ask you again. Why did we invade Iraq?

    I replied here before:

    Why did we invade Iraq? Was it necessary for the US society, the world, to have such a war?

    Who is benefiting?

    Keep in mind, white house admits (now) no link between Iraq and 9-11,

    Iraq WAS NOT an imminent threat, (slick excuse to get congress ok for the war)

    WMD's not found, nuclear threat was fabricated, Powels "evidence" was a pile of bs.

    Iraq had wmd's (I won't get into who gave it to them) but they were destroyed according to UN inspectors.

    The only real threat Iraq was posing was: lifting sanctions and allow oil to flow free, thus lowering oil prices, and give a hell of a competition to OPEC mainly Saudis. (Bush Saudi relationship is well known, Carlyle one conduit, check RAND Corp Rummy connection etc..) Possibility of pricing Iraqi Oil in Euro's didn't help either.

    REMEMBER: it costs US oil companies $1.5 per barrel to produce oil there, and there 120 billion barrels in fields explored with another possible 250-280 unexplored reserves. (conservative estimates per Chevron)

    Oil Shrub Mafia & Co did what they had to do to protect their interests. Add to that the huge $$$ to Halibarton and others.

    All thanks to our tax money and our soldiers blood. I won't even count the thousands of innocent Iraqis that died.

    So tell me in your wisdom why are we there? And please defend the lies that were shoved down our throats by Shrub and Co, as per original post in this thread, ggggggggggggg
    #19     Oct 26, 2003
  10. What? You can't be serious!

    Who's morale? yours? Our troops already know how low their morale is and I doubt they are reading ET chitchat They are suffering enough.

    If you are getting depressed and you are a US citizen like most of us here, then GREAT!!!!!
    I do hope you get totally depressed and disgusted by what is happening. Not for me, but maybe then you will shut this screen down, pick up the phone and call your state representative ask them to stop this madness, ask to bring our people back. Stop the waste. Ask him/her to help lunch a full blown investigation in this fiasco. Give the country back to the rightful owners, the people.

    We the taxpayers have suffered too much both in blood spilled and $$$$ mishandled.

    Again, all you said was an attack against the poster....you can't handle the truth posted? keep your head in the sand?... Makes me wonder who the real enemies are...

    ....man this is getting way too old....

    Got to agree with ArchAngel's post.
    We used to vote for the ones that would be the best to lead this great nation. Now we try for the ones that are least damaging. Time for a change before it's too late? change to what? We as a nation need to become informed on what is happening...on a tangent here...could be another thread discussion.

    All in good fun tho,

    Peace to all and good trading this upcoming week.
    #20     Oct 26, 2003