Wanna be a Quant ?

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by syswizard, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. Sorry, we're all not as "well-heeled" as you are.
    #61     Nov 11, 2007
  2. MarkBrown


    syswiz - i have been where your at about 10 years ago and i am where we spend over a million a year now on research easily. in fact since 2001 i have burned through about 6 mil. for projects.

    enjoy your position now - i often reflect and think that was when i was my best. i dont know how i did all the projects i did and still make money. now i just focus much more on the money and its not as much fun. i do enjoy having a cray to do research projects on and the ability to just about do try buy anything. but at this level your mind changes what you go after.


    ps i guess the message is be careful what you aspire to do.
    #62     Nov 11, 2007
    curiousGeorge8 likes this.
  3. tortoise


    In practice, the math of it gets quite complex but, essentially, that is the truth.
    #63     May 1, 2015