"Wall Street’s Big Coronavirus Mistake"

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Atlantic, Mar 17, 2020.

  1. Atlantic


  2. "Wall Street" doesn't make any mistake.
    They already POCKETED $billions in fees and commissions over the last 10 years.
    It's the CUSTOMERS who made the "mistake"...of believing their bullshit!
    Wall St *always* wins.
    How much do the heads of Goldman or Chase make per year??
    It's those who "trust" their BS that lose!
    Same goes for hedge funds and most "money managers".
    In a great year they WIN BIG and in a LOSING year...they lose nothing.
    I'll take that job anytime!
    Edmond likes this.
  3. Cuddles


    that's not the attitude of a risk taker
  4. I take risks...but only when the odds are in my favor.

    Not when wall st is pushing their crap.
    CALLumbus likes this.
  5. Specterx


    That article is so over the top I wanted to laugh.

    All this virus stuff is a fascinating live case study in behavioral finance, and how modern media+social media can so easily foment mass hysteria and drama-seeking.
    Nobert likes this.
  6. Sig


    Then go work for GS, or just buy GS stock, it's a public company you know. Nothing worse then people who complain but do nothing to actually improve their lot in life.
  7. Coronavirus problem was even worse in China than in the US, but it didn't kill million of people like a pandemic, and China is on the way of recovery just like she did in SARS, MERS, the pig outbreak.... fear is caused by one's perception of the unknowns, and exacerbated by trading algos and hysterical media.