Wall Street Soon To Be Choked With Legal Largesse

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by libertad, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. The financial losses that have been bestowed upon the US Public by the major brokerage firms and banks will render a major disadvantage to US Capitalism ....whereby legitimate legal claims in the trillions of $US....to be fought in courts worldwide for the next decade regarding pension funds in particular....will find itself absolutely choked by legal largesse that has come in after the fact....and induced solely by over zealous Wall Street greed....

    Since an exchange is now becoming nothing more than a few reliable computer banks, one can note that legal ease will be available elsewhere on exchanges that will have plenty of reason to no longer be domiciled in the US....

    Thus just one more grand US outsourcing..... electronic exchange capitalism...

    Watch for the relocated World Market Exchange to be domiciled in non US territory....Whereby the US legal chokeholds will be largely reductive....
  2. ammo


    " a few reliable computer banks" now there is some information they have that we dont, how do we get that info, open interest live all day long ,what a great indicator