Wall Street millionaire Howard Rubin accused of rape and s&m

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Cuddles, Nov 4, 2017.

  1. Cuddles


  2. Overnight


  3. Turveyd


    Okay when someone is accused of something, it should go to court, be kept secret until proven guilty ( proven well kinda strong word the jury didn't like his hair style), then it can become public knowledge not before.
    gkishot likes this.
  4. Cuddles


    We judge in the court of public opinion in America.
  5. Turveyd


    Same in the uk, old days anything before proven kinda guilty would of been Slander and a big slap, most of these accusations are lies, zero real proof so police should just not bother the accused with it, but still the accused lives are pretty much ruined.

    Touching a knee 15years ago = resigning lol

    That director guy, fairly standard for woman to offer services in exchange for helping get there careers off the ground, its not rape, its not assault, its an off the books mutual agreement, drop that crap to.
    Cuddles likes this.
  6. doggyfx


    Assuming that indictments are not wildly handed out and not a daily routine for average Joe, being accused is sufficient cause to make it public knowledge.
    I guess you have no skin in the game, such odd remarks is really surprising to see from respected members.
  7. Turveyd


    Really it shouldnt be, me and many of my friends have been in the receiving side of such allegations, it's not nice is funny, thankfully i recorded my ex accusing me and admitting its just to get rid of me and that I didn't go near here really 1 after the other.

    Those deals the at times failing actresses made at the time, might of launched there careers, but they could of said no, my career isn't worth this.