Vonage ( VG )

Discussion in 'Trading' started by ShortSqueeze, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. I was gonna give it out here as my play of the century at 60 cents but I was busy painting my toenails.
    #11     Aug 25, 2009
  2. hajimow


    It is not late if you are done painting your toenail. I know how you feel. When I bought my first block of shares at 1.30, I was thinking that I am buying it high and then it moved up to $1.50 and then I told my friend and he also wanted to buy but because he knew that I bought at 1.30, he could not convince himself to buy at 1.50 and then it jumped tp 1.60 and then it kept going up and I was debating where I should dab in again and then I bought more at 2+. I believe it can go ver $10 by the end of August. Very positive and good news. You can see and feel their product and you know that it is a good deal. Comcast VOIP does not even give you free call to Canada. Verizon considers your call to your neighboring town as long distance!!. Calling card business is gone. By the way if you pay one year in advance, you get 20% discount. $20 for a landline with tons of features and good quality with free international call. Forget it was 50 cents a week ago. Think that it will be $10 in less than a month.
    #12     Aug 25, 2009
  3. Yes you already told us about their 20% discount.

    Home phones are dead anyways there's no real future for VG. And there is too many competitors like magicjack and google.
    #13     Aug 26, 2009