
Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by traitor786, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. oh...surrrre!u r a millionaire already.now your studiyng to be a billionaire!!!
    #321     Mar 19, 2013
  2. Did you buy FF a ticket,btw?
    #322     Mar 19, 2013
  3. Each of your comments are appropriate.
    #323     Mar 19, 2013
  4. Jack,do you know what a ticket is?
    #324     Mar 19, 2013
  5. :D

    Magicman... you are not up to date... the flight was replaced by email and phone....

    #325     Mar 19, 2013
  6. Id like to think we were all there. but then it would be pretty quiet here.
    #326     Mar 22, 2013
  7. So this is what I gather

    Trade station, IB TOS all have bad time and sales. Either they are pictures (missing data) or aggregating data.

    In the case of data aggregation, would all RED orders be lumped together, or is it possible that they are lumped by price of trade?

    if it is lumped by colour then Could this effect me negatively ?
    (If by price, I assume it will screw me)

    where can I get affordable Time and sales that is not wonrg (pictures or grouped by price vs colour)

    Zen fire? No prices available on their site.

    Is there a better place and what would the cost be?
    #327     Mar 30, 2013
  8. its funny how off topic ideas get responses and other don't.

    I was looking at the ES, I noticed that there is huge difference when you only look at trades larger the 50 compared to other other levels .

    Maybe it was just today, maybe it is my level 2 quotes are not right, I will try to look at it once in a while to see if the bigger trades on their own are more reliable.
    #328     Apr 2, 2013
  9. Come on guys, with only one user account it is hard to keep the thread going !

    So I was watching the volume on currency pairs on the Think Or swim software.

    Price moves without any prints (I guess only big prints show)

    It was off hours (I was up all night getting myself in to a nice hole) But then I noticed something that I would of never thought would be so obvious.

    I saw maybe one print every hour (setting was set to see all trades) price was moving all the time. Even those prints were relatively small compared to what was to come.

    Id guess that there is space for 200 time and sales lines. It seems that at some points even if there is only one trade it resets (instead of scrolling or deleting the last line) That is to say the screen goes blank. with the few trades I was luckily to see even 2 lines before the reset.

    All of a sudden in the blink of an eye my screen is filled with orders all of the same color and same amount. 200 huge volume prints in a few seconds! followed by one small on of the opposite color! and then nothing. Price did not move ! the bars look normal.

    I will double check but even the typical volume bars did not seem 200(prints) X 100? (volume of each print was huge compared to past hour).

    3 things go through my head.
    1. It is either a market maker eating up orders (selling to the masses).
    2.Stops placed during business hours
    3. think or swim like most platforms has bad time and sales data (really bad)

    So I sit and watch as price goes the opposite way of the color of the prints while there is nothing being printed yet again.

    Then price makes it to the same level. same thing happens ! 200 huge prints same volume topped by a small opposite color print at the same price and no reaction on the price!

    once again price goes the opposite way of the prints. Seems like the market maker may have been trying to accumulate the whole time and then sold it all to the stops.

    It should not be a platform issue as it happened at the same price point. Before I go back and analyze the situation (i was half asleep but wrote the needed info) I was wondering if anyone had any questions that I should look out for?

    It just may be that the only record of this is my notes ! In this case It cant be back tested,

    I would of expected some thing like this at such levels, but to go form no prints to so many that were so big, heck the volume was so big that one does not even need to calculate things or guess what is happening !
    #329     Apr 4, 2013
  10. Also, there are yellow prints, I looked it up, turns out they are transactions done between bid and ask.

    Oh that makes a lot of sense. 1% are done between bid and ask. OK fare enough. Just out of curiosity, how can I do that ?

    why do I bother ?
    #330     Apr 5, 2013