Volume Derivatives?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by jabowery, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. jabowery


    Are market volume (^NYUV:NYSE, ^NYV:NYSE) derivatives a thing? i.e. Can one trade on instruments derived from those market indicators?
  2. taowave


    now that would be fun to manipulate:)
  3. jabowery


    Brokers would make a killing on those who were doing the manipulation -- and would take a lot of the profit out of manipulation.
  4. tiddlywinks


    Stock parking and wooden nickel crimes.
  5. jabowery


    How is that pertinent?
  6. tiddlywinks


    Illusions of proper trades produce volume.
  7. jabowery


    All trades produce volume, so, of course, what you say is true if not tautological. Still, I'm not sure what you are getting at. Anyone who is in a position to trade large volumes is in a position to predict short term changes in volume .
  8. tiddlywinks


    Volume derivatives would be simple to manipulate, legitimately or nefariously.
  9. jabowery


    "Simple" compared to what? Manipulation is always possible -- legitimately or nefariously. The entire NYSE volume is much harder to manipulate than that even of a Fortune 500 company.
  10. tiddlywinks


    Price manipulation.

    As a really simplified hypothetical, Blackrock and Morgan decide to reallocate on Mo,Tu... Meanwhile, they acquire "volume derivatives" and "hold" all the trade tickets until then. They do not even need to have holdings in common as volume is volume, and is not specific (in reference to the topic) to an individual issue or specific price.

    Hypothetical... I do not have expertise in the prospectii, operations, and procedures of multi-100 billion dollar operators.
    #10     Nov 13, 2019