Voice activated trades

Discussion in 'Trading' started by TG, Nov 19, 2002.

  1. If there's nothing commercially available, go to the Software topic in this forum, and make the suggestion to aphexcoil in the Jasper thread. I'm sure he'll get excited about it and build those bells and whistles into his trading platform
    #11     Nov 19, 2002
  2. absolutely. good post hii. :)
    #12     Nov 19, 2002
  3. slickville -

    With your having just registered on ET this month, it seems pretty stupid for you to be telling ANYONE what they should or shouldn't post.

    Perhaps YOU should keep YOUR lame ass opinions and childish comments about what people can and can't post on ET to yourself. If you don't have anything useful or constructive, don't waste Baron's disk space with your stupid comments.

    TG didn't ask if there were any generic speech recognition programs available - he was asking if anyone had any knowledge or experience with ways to specifically speech enable trading. But you were too busy being a dumb ass to bother to see that.

    TG - the focus of most of the speech recognition interfaces has been automating dictation. It's possible to configure something like IBM's software to do some specific key shortcuts, etc. with spoken commands, but it's still a kludge and there are still technical and environmental issues to deal with.

    The more effective speech enabled apps are designed with the speech interface as an integral element of the user interface rather than relying on generic solutions.

    It's feasible to design in speech recognition to the UI using something like Microsoft's speech interface component or Dragon's SDK (something like accepting a spoken command "Buy X shares Disney at X limit"), but I'm not aware of any of the trading platforms having done that yet.

    Except in the case of certain handicaps, from an ergonomics standpoint, hotkeys or a well designed UI (especially if you have a touch screen) is faster and more reliable than speech-based trading right now.
    #13     Nov 19, 2002
  4. You might want to play around with and get a feel for voice recognition software. From my limited experience, they can be pretty goofy.. I'd hate to say "Oh Sh*t!!.." and have the software interpret that as "Buy 3 Contracts @ Market.."

    #14     Nov 19, 2002
  5. cashonly

    cashonly Bright Trading, LLC

    Actually, what you're asking is if there is any GOOD software out there. There is plenty of speech recognition software with about 95% accuracy.

    So, let's say you do five orders and you spell out the stock symbol and let's say they're NASDAQ stocks. Well, that's 20 letters to spell out, so with 95% accuracy, one in 5 orders will be FOR THE WRONG STOCK! That doesn't even take into account having to recognize "buy" "sell" and price numbers. That's probably why it's not done.

    Go with hot-keys like was mentioned in this thread... it's faster than speaking and more accurate.
    #15     Nov 19, 2002
  6. TG


    Appreciate the helpful answers from most. As for idiots like slickville, you are the epitome of what's wrong with places like this. Yes, I am disabled and almost a senior, having wasted 2 years of my life protecting people like you slickville,
    #16     Nov 19, 2002