vix mark up

Discussion in 'Options' started by FSU, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. FSU


    Huge bids in May out of money puts in spx this morning, suggesting big vix mark up for morning settlement.
    JackRab likes this.
  2. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    Selling any?
  3. truetype


    Maybe he's the huge bid!
  4. tommcginnis


    (I love sexy talk...)

    Question: do you mean third week May? I'll throw up a May 16/17/18 study, if so, and give a picture....
  5. Could be any number of large funds doing some kind of hedge or complex neutral strategy on their positions. Business as usual.
    It's impossible to tell or judge or assume. -- and is basically kind of meaningless. Nothing to write home about.
    2018 ET, o_O
  6. Good eye.

    VIX just popped on nothing.
  7. FSU


    This is the monthly vix expiration. Mark of the VIX based on the opening price of the May monthly SPX opening prices. Spx 1200 and 1250 puts over 12,000 contracts open at .25 and .30, trading .05 yesterday. Great opportunities.
    JackRab and tommcginnis like this.
  8. FSU


    A few, lol. I wont define a few.
    tommcginnis likes this.
  9. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    More than a couple, less than " I can't believe I got to sell them all!"
    tommcginnis likes this.
  10. Hone your skills and strategy to be an option buyer, instead of seller -- that's where the true potential money loot lays in the market.
    It's heck of alot risker though, but also can be equally if not more rewarding.
    #10     Apr 18, 2018