Vix and how it's misinterpreted

Discussion in 'Options' started by cdcaveman, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. Windlesham1 likes this.
  2. Clubber Lang and cdcaveman like this.
  3. True

    We need a libertarian in office.... Instead of this pop culture fest
  4. cdcaveman:
    Well, it kinda made sense if you don't think about it! ;-) I'm no expert, but that seemed like a good example of the "dopeler effect" {The tendency for stupid ideas to seem more intelligent if they come at you faster!}
    cdcaveman likes this.
  5. I think it's prime time to buy premium going into Sept fed volatility meeting
  6. Hahaha.... Fear index down... No one is scared. Sounds like a buy... Scramble for shares!!!
  7. wrbtrader


    You do realize there are academic research papers that say just the opposite.

    I guess it depends on who did the research and what parameters they used...I've seen many research from both camps. :eek:
  8. i960


    VIX being down or at recent lows is a signal to buy VIX derivatives not stocks. Extremely stupid recommendation from CNBC but they're a paid off bag transfer agent anyway.
  9. Bag transfer entity?
  10. i960


    They recommend things which create new bag holders. It's garbage mind rot.
    #10     Aug 4, 2015