Vishnu...what happened

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by RichardRimes, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. Was I just in a time warp? I swear I responded to a thread he started which granted was a plug for an article he wrote...did the thread with my response get removed? Or did I just "think" it happened:eek:
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    ET has a strict No Free Advertising policy. The thread-starter, who rarely posts here (last was in January) clearly intended to promote his commercial website. He started with a teaser, then said to see the rest of his "insights" follow the link. The link took you to his book sales, upcoming speaking appearances, follow him on twitter, etc. The thread was removed and, sorry, your post went along with it.
  3. no prob..didn't click on the link so just wasn't sure what happened.
  4. Stockie


    I didn't think the article he linked to was particularly useful or inspiring.

    I'm intrigued that a guy worth $10 million still promotes his blog by posting links in forums.
  5. $10 mil isn't what it used to be LOL