"Video never to be shown again" from "Flight 93 never before seen video"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Handsome, Mar 23, 2007.

  1. ive seen countless crash scenes that all show a majority of the plane in the wreckage... why is this different?
    #11     Mar 24, 2007
  2. I have no opinion per what went on 9/11 or what the entire truth really is.

    I have seen small plane crash sites here in the high hills area of western NY. When an intact airplane crashes, the debris field is confined to a rather small area. It is impossible to have a debris field of 3 - 4 square miles, lineal miles or a circumference of 3-4 miles radius.

    However one wants to measure, it is impossible for an intact plane making impact on the ground to be scattered across several miles. The only way that type of spread-out debris field can happen is thru the aircraft coming apart while still in the air.

    There are no two ways about that... period. If a jumbo jet augers in at 700mph, it will still be confined to a debris field of a few hundred yard at the most.

    For comparative analysis, check out historical war footage of B-52 crashes when planes were shot down intact. You will never see a debris field covering miles in radius... simply impossible. Debris from ground impact cannot bounce = fly that far from ground zero impact, especially thru trees and terrain as a barrier.


    If in fact the helicopter view = reports of debris field 3 - 4 miles radius and a hole in the ground of 30ft or less, no way an intact plane hit there. The crater would be hundreds of feet wide and several stories deep. The debris would be confined to a couple hundred yards, max.

    Black & white, no question about it if the news clip is authentic.
    #12     Mar 24, 2007
  3. i am not sure what the official spin ...oops i mean official reason is today, but i do recall at one point they said the jet was buried 20 to 40 feet below, in the dirt.

    the sheer audacity to even speak those words much less think anyone would buy it is at best, obscene. i hope they have changed that story by now.. somehow i doubt it... i need to research it.
    #13     Mar 24, 2007
  4. I was an eyewitness to a twin engine plane crash once (6 seater). The guy lost one engine and couldn't control it anymore. He left debris over a mile area because every time he dove and recovered another chunk of plane peeled off (like the doors). Musta been shittin his pants trying fly the thing. Finally lost it in a neighborhood between two houses. Luckily he was the only "casualty" though there was nothing casual about his exit from this world.
    #14     Mar 24, 2007
  5. The only truly solid pieces on a jet are the engines. They ended up buried a few feet down. Everything else was run through the shredder.
    #15     Mar 24, 2007
  6. Well, i remain incredulous.
    What actually is the official report?Did they even find any bodies, or did all the remains vaporise?

    For example, i dont know if their comparable, but that crash in south america, airliner ploughed into a mountainside, plenty of big bits left-so much so, entire seat sections were left, even survivors, remarkably.

    Must be some hefty odds of two different airliners crashing, and both seemingly dissapearing into surprisingly small holes.
    #16     Mar 24, 2007
  7. intuitively i think we all would expect to see at a very minimum, debris similar to this:

    #17     Mar 24, 2007
  8. Well let me pose another mysterious question to the board.

    What became of flight 77,the penatagon strike?

    Not enough damage imho to say a huge plane hit the pentagon,also on the footage that day there was no papers baggage bodies airplane wreckage to be seen! only panicing pentagon workers exiting the area.

    Look i have an opinion on 911 that most of you may not agree with but here it is.

    Markets were in a precarious way ,ready to fall off the cliff and the Nasdaq to me looked like it may go by the way the german equivalent went off into the sunset never to rise again.

    A diversion was needed to start a war over oil,save the markets and keep the whole ponzi scam afloat.

    Your gummermint imho was behind and in fact pulled off the whole deal. Can you say Black ops?

    At the time only 3% of Americans surveyed thought Bin Laden was involved at all.

    Well now you have your war,oil too! markets were temporarily saved and nothing you were told was the truth.
    #18     Mar 24, 2007
  9. I spent six years in the Canadian airforce,in that time i was involved in the detail of cleaning up airplane crash sites on three or four different occasions.

    Let me tell you about an F-18 that a good friend of mine died in when he passed out from a faulty oxygen line.

    The plane contacted the ground similar to the angle created by this line /. The crater was seventy feet deep, 50 feet wide and the wreckage though severely busted up was easily identifiable as having once been a jet fighter. By the way,the engines at point of impact were full throttle,Gerry came down from 22000 feet straight into the ground.

    After the airforce i worked for Mcdonnell Douglas building MD80 wings,I assure you if such a plane hit the pentagon,the damage wuld be far more extensive than what they showed us peons on the tube. Pittsburgh flt 93 would look more like the mountain crash with identifiable parts,a whole as described in the film is a joke,fools noone with experience at a crash site.
    #19     Mar 24, 2007
  10. To sum it all up,imho the gummermint of the United States once again is pulling the wool over the heads of the peons.
    You can put this one right in there with the JFK assassination.

    The gummermint operates with the premise that bullshit baffles brains...they are right! Misinformation misinformation and more misinformation to the point that you cannot determine lies from truth.

    Truth is your gummermint is the liar!

    The whole terrorism scam was to create a war over oil and to keep the masses afraid of more terrorism.

    Once the gummermint feels they can no longer lead the people because the people no longer trust them they will and do employ fear to keep the masses in line and following them blindly for protection.

    Guess what? That is exactly what has taken place!

    Now what color alert is in place today? red? yellow? all clear lol.

    Both in your country and in mine the politicians need a wake up similar to that of France's revolution.

    Perhaps we too should march the bastards out and hang them publicly. Maybe then we can start with real leaders with the interest of us peons at heart instead of their own.

    Show me one politician that enters the game wealthy and exits poor and we both will have seen the only true politician to ever walk the earth.

    Good day.

    #20     Mar 24, 2007