Victor Niederhoffer in Vogue Magazine??

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by marketsurfer, Sep 8, 2009.

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  1. What you and others like you fail to understand is that people invest in hedge funds for different reasons. its usually to take OUTSIZED RISKS for OUTSIZED RETURNS in a particular strategy. there are dozens of reasons including hedging other holdings, tax purposes, etc. you seem to approach everything from the persepective of the retail investor--trust me, there is a whole other world out there. This isnt 401K or investing for retirement with the sophisticated investors who are the only ones allowed to invest in hedge funds.

    one takes a small piece of their portfolio and invests in a flyer--be it a hedge fund ( for the wealthy ) or a stock etc ( for the middle class)--both are well aware of the risks involved-for you to suggest otherwise is arrogant and quite foolish.

    your socialistic, anti capitalism, anti risk nature is on full display.

    #51     Sep 18, 2009
  2. Not surprisingly, and true to form, you missed the point entirely. Your inner doofus is on full display.
    #52     Sep 18, 2009
  3. anyone who would equate "moral hazard" to managers trying to make as much as possible for their clients, while simultaneously enriching themselves is truly economically twisted and lost.

    #53     Sep 18, 2009
  4. Reading these threads it seems people love or hate VN, I really enjoy his blog, some wonderful stuff. Regardless of your feelings, you have to admit he does have a pretty fascinating story.
    #54     Sep 18, 2009
  5. As a frequent contributor to his blog,I find many market lessons contained within. The trouble on ET is that most people who criticize Victor are just jealous of his run. in fact, probably most of the people who offer their two cents are less than profitable...kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.
    #55     Sep 18, 2009
  6. *Sigh*

    The doofus odyssey continues...

    Surf, is this just performance art or are you really "challenged?"
    #56     Sep 18, 2009
  7. You are the reason I found his blog Jeff! Yeah what is the old adage 1 in 10 make money? So chances are a few of the guys that rattle the loudest cage aren't doing too hot themselves. Blowing up sucks, I've done it several times. I'm sure most here have, I wasn't trading OPM when I did, so maybe I don't have as much room to talk. But live and let live ya know?
    #57     Sep 18, 2009
  8. EPrado


    I am not Jelaous of his run.....into the ground...twice. The problem most people have with VN is his unbelievable egotistical attitude. Here's a guy who has TWICE blown up his funds. He had zero risk management in play using a very common strategy used by many (a ton of floor guys are/were premium sellers) . His positions went horribly against him and he whined that it was others (floor traders) that were at fault. If VN had a risk management stratgy in play, he would perhaps have survived. Then years later he does the same thing again. That is the part of the story that to me is really pathetic and makes him look pretty damn bad.

    The whole time he then has the stones to criticize trend followers and others that their strategy is basically no good. That's hilarious coming from a guy who lost all his clients money twice trading like a minor leaguer. It's not like Stevie Cohen , who has an incredible record, is criticizing others. If Cohen wants to rip others methods it would be a bit more acceptable considering his success. But VN failed miserbaly twice, then cops an attitude towards others.

    At the end of the day his holier than thou attitude is what really turns people off.
    #58     Sep 18, 2009
  9. Perhaps that's why he now prefers to be judged on pastel performance.
    #59     Sep 18, 2009
  10. Indeed. Anything other than adulation for a self-congratulatory flawed trader who blew up, and then blew up again, is just jealousy. One day I hope to run client money into the ground a couple of times and then criticize those who haven't yet done so.
    #60     Sep 18, 2009
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