very interesting news today

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by fearless9, May 20, 2008.

  1. A Jewish friend of mine checks Haaretz as a counterpoint to JP. Didn't see anything "obvious" about the Shrubster and tricky Dicky. The poli-sci crew views an Iranian Bush bomb as the perfect 'fuck you very much' for whichever Democrat inherits the WH.

    #21     May 20, 2008
  2. That is so funny, but the more I think about it, it's probably true!!!:eek:
    #22     May 20, 2008
  3. "George, this is Dick, er, I mean god. I want you to order some pizzas and have them sent to Cheney's office. Half pepperoni and half mushroom. And attack Iran. That is all. This is god." :D
    #23     May 20, 2008
  4. As soon as the first bomb drops I'm doubling my OIL position.[

    QUOTE]Quote from blackchip:

    >>$200 oil as Iran sinks the first tanker in the strait of hormuz. [/QUOTE]
    #24     May 20, 2008
  5. Bush frantically calling his wife, "Laura, god jus' talked to me agin. I'm like moses in that book. He wants me to git some pizzas and attack them Iranians. I'm the best president ever. Maybe I should just stay." :D

    #25     May 20, 2008
  6. LT701


    White House denies story about attacking Iran

    Maybe the Jersusalem post is helping out Goldman with their cl position

    Yesterday, Feinstein attached an amnesty to the bill to fund the war than wolfowitz, feith and perle pushed for.

    bernanke is printing like mad to inflate the war debt away, and goldman is making out like a bandit on the oil

    a world of opportunity, if you're in the right club - who cares what happens to the country?

    who cares if old ladies end up with a wheelbarrow of money to buy a loaf of bread?
    #26     May 20, 2008
  7. piezoe


    Congratulations for spelling "innuendo" correctly.
    #27     May 20, 2008
  8. George W. Bush...

    Great President?
    Greatest President?
    #28     May 20, 2008
  9. This thread has the makings of becoming interesting.

    I will throw in a few updates for today
    friday, may 23 .....
    Jerusalem Post ......

    Bush caught out saying that he did not know that Olmert wanted peace talks with Damascus.
    Perhaps this interferes with his plans.

    CNN/ LA Times

    Petraeus offering a troop cut in the fall ( this´nt someone throwing an election in the fall)

    Petraeus testifying that the recent Sadr city cakewalk occurred because many of Muqtada Sadr fighters are now in Iran who is still being terribly unhelpful to the US agenda in Iraq.
    Petraeus said negotiations with Tehran could be helpful. But he said they were unlikely to be productive if the Iranian leadership was arming and training Iraqi militias, as U.S. officials have charged.


    -- U.S. oil company executives told Congress oil prices should be between $35 a barrel and $90 a barrel, as they testified for the second time this year about record energy prices.

    What do you imagine is about to unfold later this year.

    #29     May 23, 2008
  10. And foreign media is mostly gossip.
    #30     May 23, 2008